- Funding and collaborator search tools
Arizona State University offers you access to several tools that can help you identify and pursue funding opportunities from a variety of funding agencies.
Pivot (formerly Community of Science) is a powerful global-funding opportunities and scholars database updated daily that allows users to receive results in a variety of ways. All ASU faculty, staff and students can access Pivot. When first setting up a Pivot account, it is best to log in from an ASU computer, as Pivot will recognize that you are an ASU user. Please click on the FAQs below for more information.
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Dimensions is a grant database containing more than $1 trillion dollars of historic and current funding from all over the world. Federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Defense are all part of the database, as well as many nonprofit, industry and foreign sponsors. The results can be filtered by funder, funder group, research organization, year and more. Developed by UberResearch and part of the Digital Science family of university research tools, Dimensions is available to the entire ASU community when using an ASU IP address. To access, use this link: https://app.dimensions.ai/. For more information on how to use Dimensions, please contact kedanalytics@asu.edu.
Experts.ASU is a way to connect with colleagues, build collaborations, and share scholarly works and research interests. All tenured and tenure-track faculty at ASU are automatically part of the profiled catalogue and can easily be accessible via the public-facing experts.asu site. ASU experts are updated each semester to account for personnel changes and have customizable profiles which can be edited to contain a large variety of scholarly works, patents, exhibitions, compositions, data sets, and more.
- Sponsor's searching tools
These databases and resources provide funding opportunities from state and federal government agencies; private foundations and institutions; and corporate philanthropy, research investment, and partnership programs.
- Foundation and philanthropic opportunities
Corporate Philanthropy and Foundation Development are managed by the ASU Foundation. They help ASU faculty identify appropriate resources to advance their work and build meaningful relationships with ASU's network of funders. Faculty interested in pursuing philanthropic funding opportunities should contact ASUFoundationgrants@asufoundation.org at their earliest convenience to ensure ASU's strategic coordination and management of funding applications.
- Foundation Directory Online— Before contacting foundation or corporate sponsors listed in this resource, please contact ASUFoundationgrants@asufoundation.org to determine if they manage contact with that sponsor or if ASU is communicating with, soliciting, or otherwise engaged with any foundation or corporation whom you wish to contact.
- Limited submissions and internal grants