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Limited Submissions (LS) provides a transparent, equitable, and efficient method for promoting and selecting proposals for opportunities that are limited at the institutional level. If you have found an opportunity that's not posted or requires clarification, please email the solicitation details to

 LS manages multiple streams of opportunities:

  • Opportunities that limit the number of application(s) per institution.
  • Limited opportunities identified by staff or faculty.
  • Philanthropic limited opportunities through the ASU Foundation.
  • Strategic opportunities identified by University leadership.

If you are interested in serving as a reviewer for ASU Limited Submissions, email your details to


Limited Submissions Identification, Publication, and Timeline

Research Development staff identifies limited submission funding opportunities weekly through internet searches, subscription services, and historical opportunities. Faculty and staff can notify Limited Submissions of other opportunities by emailing . We strive to inform the ASU community when new limited submission opportunities are available at least 12 weeks before the sponsor's deadline. Notification is sent to subscribers via Research Development's weekly newsletter and posted publicly on the Limited Submission Opportunities page.


Full Review (open competition)

  • Opportunities with more than 12 weeks until the sponsor deadline will be published to accept internal applications for Full Review. The internal deadline will be set approximately 8 weeks before the sponsor deadline.

Rapid Review (open competition)

  • Opportunities with less than 12 weeks until the sponsor deadline will be published to accept internal applications for Rapid Review. The internal deadline will be set approximately 4 weeks before the sponsor deadline.

Administrative Review 

  • Opportunities with less than 4 weeks until the sponsor deadline will be published to accept internal applications for Administrative Review. The internal deadline will be the same as the sponsor deadline.
  • Opportunities that are published initially as Full Review or Rapid Review that do not have any applications by their respective posted internal deadline, the opportunity will be modified to accept applications for Administrative Review. The internal deadline will be the same as the sponsor deadline. Opportunities with sponsor deadlines in less than 5 days will be administratively reviewed. Approval will be emailed to the applicant, and internal documentation will be saved for Research Development.


Limited Submissions Application Requirements

Limited Submissions uses the web-based platform, InfoReady, to manage all Limited Submissions, Internal Competitions, and Nominations. This system facilitates expedited and efficient management of submissions and any subsequent review processes. Interested investigators should submit their internal applications via the InfoReady site.

ASU Faculty, Staff, and Students can access the InfoReady system by entering their ASURITE credentials. Your proposal will only be viewable by the Limited Submissions office and subsequently by the assigned reviewers. We ask that you also notify LS of your intent to submit for a particular opportunity as soon as you can by sending an email to, as this helps with preparing for a potential review process. The proposal's principal investigator should be entered as the "applicant." If needed, Pls can assign a proxy within the InfoReady System if they would like a representative to submit on their behalf.

The Limited Submissions internal application requires the following proposal sections. Each section is separate and will be entered into text boxes on the application.

  1. Summary (250-word limit): Provide an overview of your proposed activities. This should be a self-contained description of the proposed work and outcomes that would result if funded. This should be understandable to a scientifically or technically literate lay reader.
  2. Significance (250-word limit): Describe the compelling reasons for the proposal. How will the work be an original contribution, or what problem will your proposal address?
  3. Fit with Sponsor (250-word limit): How does the proposed work fit the stated goals of the sponsor and the intentions of the funding program?
  4. Methodology (500-word limit): Describe the proposed activities, procedures, and processes to be used. Note any potential problems or limitations that might arise.
  5. Anticipated Outcomes (250-word limit):  What changes, impacts, results, or contributions to knowledge do you expect as an outcome of the proposed project?
  6. Bio Sketch or CV (5-page limit each): Provide a Bio Sketch or CV for each PI or team member. Follow current sponsor guidelines. NSF or NIH styles are acceptable. All files are uploaded as one PDF.
  7. Ancillary items (no limit): Ancillary items may include, but are not limited to, references, cost-sharing documentation, letters of recommendation, past reviews or scores, and additional supporting material deemed relevant by the applicant. Please provide only if applicable. All files are uploaded as one PDF.
Internal Review, Applicant Selection, and Notification

Internal Review and Applicant Selection

  • During the Full Review (open competition) stage, all applications received on time will be reviewed for consideration.
    • Volunteer reviewers are asked to participate in panel discussions and to provide comments.
    • The panel members may include the Limited Submissions Chairperson (faculty appointee) and faculty volunteers appointed by Colleges' Research Deans. The panel members may consist of additional ad hoc members as needed based on sponsor or subject matter expertise.
    • Reviewers use the available solicitation review criteria, knowledge and experience of the sponsor, and other programmatic information to determine the selection of submission.
  • During the Rapid Review (open competition) stage, all timely applications will be reviewed for consideration.
    • Volunteer reviewers are asked to participate in an abbreviated panel discussion.
    • The panel members may include the Limited Submissions Chairperson (faculty appointee) and faculty volunteers appointed by Colleges' Research Deans. The panel members may consist of additional ad hoc members as needed based on sponsor or subject matter expertise.
    • Reviewers use the available solicitation review criteria, knowledge and experience of the sponsor, and other programmatic information to determine the selection of submission.
  • During the Administrative Review, the first applicant (or applicant(s), depending on the limitation) who completes and submits the InfoReady application indicating their interest in the opportunity will be approved to move forward, following an administrative review.

Notification and Full Proposal Submission

  • After a complete review, the selected candidate is notified by email. The selected candidate is asked to confirm their intention to submit a proposal as an institutional representative. Once confirmation is received, other candidates who were not selected will be notified. The approval email serves as evidence for selection by the Limited Submissions office.
  • After notification of selection or confirmation of approval, all Tier 4 proposals ($50M+) must consult with the Vice President for Research prior to further proposal development. This ensures that applications align with ASU’s strategic goals and allows for planning for the significant level of support required.
  • Reviewer comments and notes will be emailed to applicants. Reviewers are anonymous, and their identities are never shared with applicants.
  • Please note that candidates selected still must complete all regular internal approval processes for such items as ERA, F&A waivers, cost share, etc., for a compliant submission to the sponsor.