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The SI team convenes a Competitive Intelligence (CI) Working Group and administers a corresponding list serv. Working group sessions generally focus on the broad subject of how to integrate SI/CI practices into Research Development work. All institutional affiliations and levels of experience with SI are welcome to join the group and attend sessions, but you must sign up for the list serv with an .edu email. Please follow these directions to be added to the list serv: 1) Email with a blank subject line and "Subscribe CompInt" in the message body (do not include quotation marks and remove any other text in the message body), 2) Click on the link in the automatically generated email to confirm your subscription.



The SI team creates various types of reports for ASU leadership and faculty depending on client needs (see table below for report types). Contact to request a specific deliverable or a consultation. Turnaround times for projects will vary.


External Profile
Who are the leading researchers in a specific research area?

External profiles are biographical sketches of faculty or centers external to ASU. These can inform hiring and highlight exemplar centers and experts in a scientific area. Contact information, website, position and employment history, research expertise, publications, research funding, honors and awards, patents 
Capacity Analysis
What are ASU's capabilities in a specific research area?
Capacity analyses are internal facing analyses of ASU's capacity in a given research area. They illuminate ASU strengths and potential areas for development. Labs, centers, faculty, facilities, publications, awards, patents
Landscape Analysis
Who are exemplar institutions in a specific research area?
Landscape analyses examine funding programs or leading research institutions and individuals within a particular field. These analyses help ASU better understand its position within the broader landscape.  Major research projects, publications, centers, collaborations
Program Analysis
How can I be more competitive for a funding opportunity?
Program analyses examine specific funding programs to determine how ASU faculty can best position themselves to develop competitive proposals. Award history, funding trends, geographic distribution of awards, best practices, budgeting, timeline, program manager contact information
Sponsor Analysis
What does a specific sponsor plan to fund?
Sponsor analyses focus on broad funding strategies at a given sponsor to understand how ASU faculty can be most successful with a given sponsor. Strategic plan, sponsor mission and vision, historic funding trends, sponsor budget information