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Applications for Rapid Food Pathogen Research

Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research
Opportunity Information:

The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research supports pioneering science that helps provide everyone access to affordable, nutritious food grown on thriving farms.

To that end, the foundation invites concept notes for its Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research (ROAR) program, which provides urgent funding in support of research and outreach to address emerging or unanticipated threats to the nation’s food supply or agricultural systems.

According to the foundation, plant and animal pests and pathogens can strike quickly, devastating crops, livestock, and livelihoods. When such unplanned events occur, it often takes months before an effective response can be mounted. Researchers must understand these pests and pathogens before developing an effective solution. While the initial period after pest or pathogen detection is critical to stopping the threat, conventional research funding opportunities take significant time and effort to pursue.

To address such outbreaks quickly, the program makes rapid grants through ROAR for research related to response, prevention, or mitigation of new pests and pathogens. ROAR’s one-year funding fills urgent research gaps until traditional, longer-term funding can be secured.

ROAR grant recipients must provide equal or greater matching funds from non-U.S. federal government sources.

The ROAR program does not support research on food-borne diseases or weather-related disasters. The pest or pathogen outbreaks must be imminent, detected within one to two years, or re-emerge with significantly greater prevalence. These issues must present a threat to a multi-state region of the United States with the potential to cause significant losses and economic harm. The foundation encourages applicants to form broad-based coalitions that include industry participation to increase research collaboration and maximize the adoption of outcomes by the agriculture sector.

Eligible applicants include public and private higher education institutions, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit organizations.

Concept notes are accepted year-round. Upon review, the foundation invites selected applicants for a complete application. Applications are reviewed immediately and decided within approximately one week of submission.

For complete program guidelines and application instructions, see the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research website.

ASU Information:

Submissions to this sponsor/donor are managed by the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations. Please contact your unit-assigned ASUF Director of Development or Research Advancement Specialist at your earliest convenience to ensure ASU's strategic coordination and management of funding applications.

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