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EDA Tech Hubs Phase 1 (Opportunity Kick-off)

April 26, 2023

This kick-off event will provide information and a discussion on strategies for responding to the soon to be released EDA Phase 1 Tech Hubs RFA (Late April/early May 2023 with a two-month application window). Announcement of designations and Phase 2 application window open by the end of Summer 2023.

The Tech Hubs Program seeks to strengthen U.S. economic and national security by ensuring the industries of the future—and their good jobs—start, grow, and remain in the United States. The Tech Hubs Program will make place-based investments in regions with the assets, resources, capacity, and potential to become globally competitive, within a reasonable period of time, in critical technologies and industries. EDA will run this competition with a focus on geographic diversity and equity. Successful proposals will demonstrate a region’s capabilities in, and focus on, its primary technological strength, and its potential for Tech Hubs investments to enable the region to become the global leader in that critical technology area within a decade.

EDA expects to designate at least 20 Tech Hubs across the country and make a commensurate amount of strategy development awards utilizing approximately $15 million of the $500 million available. The Tech Hubs designation will be a widely-recognized indicator of a region’s potential for rapid economic growth. The designated Tech Hubs will be invited to apply for Phase 2.

Presenters: Kevin McGinnis, Office of University Affairs; Moriah Locklear, Federal Research Engagement Team (FREO); and Quyen Wickham, Research Development (RD)

Date: Wednesday, April 26
Time: 11A-11:45A
Location: Online
