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What is InfoReady?
  • InfoReady Review is the competition management system used by Arizona State University for limited submission reviews and is available for internal funding competitions. Access is available through single sign-on, using your ASUrite login information. Additionally, InfoReady Review is accessible to ASU partners world-wide.

  • Benefits of InfoReady include:
    • ASU administrators can actively manage competitions and review the process
    • Applications can be accepted from participants both internal and external to ASU
    • Reviewers can access the proposal applications, review, rate, and provide comments
    • Notifications of awarded applications (and declinations) can be sent directly from InfoReady
    • Reporting is customizable
Research Development Support

Are you organizing an internal competition or review process? Research Development is able to provide support. Email for more details.



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


• Provide (1) administrative access to InfoReady Software
• Initial meeting to provide basic training and best practices
• Available to answer "how-to" questions

• Provide (1) administrative access to InfoReady Software
Provide a review of RFP/solicitation
Initial meeting to set up the competition site and to provide basic training and best practices
• Thorough review of the current process
• Available to answer "how-to" questions

• Internal timeline/ submissions dates

• Collection of applications
• Reviewer selection (from the standardized list & other available experts)
• Reviewer comments and ratings
• Scoring of applications
• Reviewer meeting/Final selection
• Notification of selection/declination to the applicants.


ASU Schools/ Departments with support staff that monitor and control internal programs.

ASU Schools/ Departments with medium-to-large internal and/or  competitions that require significant review and oversight

ASU Schools/ Departments with medium-to-large internal competitions that require significant review and oversight
