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I work on micronutrients including vitamins and minerals and have projects involving vitamin/mineral supplementation. I would like to contribute by investigating the hypothesis that low levels of vitamin D contribute to increased risk and/or severity of COVID-19 infection. I can lead in measurements and clinical trials involving vitamin D. I am looking to connect to biorepository, sample collection, and others involved in blood sampleing of COVID-19 patients.

I am interested in anti-LGBTQ discrimination and violence/LGBTQ-inclusion, currently focused on the school climate for LGBTQ students. Now that students are not in school, LGBTQ students may be experiencing higher levels of stress and violence related to family rejection. I can contribute to grant writing, community networking, and data collection opportunities. I have strengths in interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary, qualitative research, and youth research, with partners at University of Arizona who do stress-related health disparities research.

I work on a project to explore the interlinkages between food, energy and water (FEW) systems in Phoenix metropolitam region towards a more resilient FEW system. I just completed a NSF-funded project on human rights to water and sanitation in metropolitan regions of Sao Paulo, Johanesburg, and Delhi, looking at the actions vulnerable communities take, specifically through legal and non-legal mechanisms to secure access to these basic services. I would like to contribute with statistical modeling, economic analysis, policy and institutional analysis. I can lead in economics, governance and policy issues, poverty and vulnerability analysis. I bring partners in the Phoenix metro region and international research organizations in the food and water sector.

I currently work on Natural Language Processing, Sociology. Specifically, I look at evolution of knowledge in biomedicine. That is, who/where/and how knowledge evolves during pandemics. I can contribute to text analysis, scientometrics, and data visualization. I am able to lead in computational history, sociology, and digital humanities. I can connect individuals and teams to the Global Biosocial Complexity Initiative at ASU.

I am interested in cooperation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, I currently lead an interdisciplinary team of psychologists, anthropologists, disaster management specialists, emergency medicine doctors, and more. My team is looking to understand how people are cooperating during the COVID-19 pandemic and to test whatfactors influence people’s willingness to cooperate with others during this time. I am happy to consult with other research teams about the human dimension of response to disasters similar to the current one, especially with regard to cooperation and coordination. I have an international network.

I work on the structural biology of proteins.

I am interested in building information visualization tools for policy makers to become better decision makers. Currently, we have developed a tool that looks at food, energy, and water supply chains for the United States (U.S.), which could be very useful in building models that track the spread of COVID-19. I hope to bring ASU’s Decision Theater’s capabilities to help accelerate COVID-19 research. I actively collaborate with Dr. Ben Ruddell at Northern Arizona University.

I currently work on biometals and digital learning innovation. Specifically, ETX Center is seeing a surge of interest around which we could be developing research projects regarding COVID-19. With metals, we have a hypothesis that Zn status and COVID vulnerability may be related due to Zn role in ACE. I can contribute expertise with digital learning development and trace metals analysis.

I am interested in diagnostics and immune response with regards to COVID-19. I currently work in point-of-care diagnostics (NCI, global health) and predicting T cell immunity. My group has two major COVID-19 projects well underway with plans for grant submissions in diagnostics and immune monitoring/vaccine/immunetherapy design. I have active collaborations in point-of-care diagnostics, along with B and T cell immunity. Finally, I have an ongoing project on structure-based T cell immunity for COVID-19 (Singharoy, Fromme); ongoing Crispr-based COVID-19 POC diagnostics projects (Lyndsey, Mills). I also collaborate on point of care serologic assays and fluorescent sensors already deployed with Dr. Jennifer Blain Christen (ASU) in engineering. My international collaboration focuses on diagnostics labs for testing in New Delhi, Brazil, and Mexico.

I am currently working on utilizing novel gas/particle contact systems for air pollution control. One recent area of interest has been in CO2 and NOx control. However, I can work on the control of organic compounds. I am interested in developing a technology for the control of multiple air pollutants using our patent-pending nanoparticle fluidization system. My past experience is with a NASA-sponsored commercialization center, where I was the air revitalization technical lead, and the technologies that I promoted were for enclosed environments.

I am interested in research related to student learning, motivation, and success in online and hybrid environments. I have conducted research examining the efficacy of online versus campus-based education, which relates to the massive shift of all learners across the global to remote learning environments, and questions about efficacy vis-a-vis online and campus-based education. I would like to help with data modeling and statistical analyses. Although I have not applied them in the fields of virology or epidemiology, I am happy to serve as a generalist data scientist / researcher in support of PIs with those areas of expertise. I have close connections with the Maricopa County Community College District.

I am interested in the homeless-to-housing continuum. I am currently working in the area of health coaching (navigation) for mental health. I am interested in collaborating on a multi-sector urgent response for the need to establish short term individual dwelling sites for the current homeless population. This crisis calls for innovative leadership to quickly establish a financially feasible, non-communal short-term housing to adress the extreme risk for mass spread in this community. My connections include ASU’s Knowledge Exchange for Resilience (KER) Fellows, ASU’s College of Health Solutions Health Coaching, the Arizona Human Services Campus, and Circle the City.

I currently work in a specialized Center of Excellence on Health Disparities in minority populations. Specifically, I work with adolescents and their parents on preventing and reducing substance use, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease as well as promoting positive behaviors. I would be interested in designing randomized control trials (RCT) in a community setting. My network includes Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center’s (SIRC) Community Advisory Board, which represents a wide range of health and social service agencies.

I currently work on art & science responses to COVID-19. I can connect individuals and teams to the Leonardo Initiative/ISAST.

I am working on an immune system subscription service project. I have a related project in immune system awareness and health. I would like to contribute my time and user-centered design methods to efforts. I can lead in concept exploration, user observations, and interdisciplinary teams. I bring collaborators across ASU, with specific ties to engineering, health solutions, and music.

I currently work on mobile-first, connected growth platforms. Specifically, I am building a training collection for the public to ensure everyone is educated, connected, and seen engaging in best practices. I would like to advance our designed COVID-19 collection with communies. I have interest in using the network, and can contribute information on how to improve using the network help their various communities make progress living in a climate of social distancing.

I currently work in artificial intelligence and natural language processing. I have projects on information retrieval and natural language processing of biomedical articles, focusing on automatic review, analysis and synthesis of research results in relevant publications. My collaboration network includes faculty in Biomedical Informatics and Mayo Clinic.

I currently work on how the behavior -- of individuals and states -- respond to the introduction of new policies. Specifically, I am interested dynamically changing evaluations of institutional trustworthiness and legitimacy. I can contribute to team-building among the social scientists around possible proposal ideas. I bring connections in social sciences at the University of California Irvine and at University of Nebraska Lincoln.

I am interested in complex systems and human/environmental interactions. Specifically, I head CoMSES Net (, an NSF-supported scientific network for modeling societal and ecological systems. CoMSES Net has the country’s most comprehensive open code library for computational models of social and ecological systems. Scientists can publish model code so that others can use, review, and improve on it. Our network has about 25,00 members and we are collaborating actively with numerous other organizations supporting or representing modeling science.

I am interested in macromolecular interactions, membrane proteins, and small molecules. Specifically, I study: (1) interaction of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) with inhibitors as an example of molecular level drug-membrane protein interactions, and (2) simulation of macromolecular changes (in membrane proteins and soluble proteins). The second item could be applicable to changes in CoV spike proteins. I would like to contribute to work using molecular dynamics simulations with potential small molecule inhibitors, particularly looking for potential interaction sites along conformational change pathways.

I currently work in research development for the School. Specifically, the School has many developing projects on environmental and health policy related to COVID-19. I can help to develop transdisciplinary teams around COVID-19, including adding a social science or humanistic component to large science or engineering projects. I am able to connect to faculty within the school.

I am interested in participatory action research, social-ecological resilience, the area of South Phoenix, vulnerability in communities, societal futures, and Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) work. Specifically, I work in urban resilience to extreme events. I can contribute to research design to look at mechanisms for social-ecological resilience in Phoenix and visioning resilient futures for health crises. My network includes the work of the NSF-funded Urban Resilience to Extremes (UREx) Sustainability Network.

I am interested in 3D printing with polymers and metals. While I don’t have current research in this area, I can contribute to 3D printing of personal protective equipment (PPE), or other parts needed by COVID-19 researchers or healthcare providers. I am part of a newly formed group looking at how 3D printing can help these responses, and am coordinating ASU’s efforts in partnership with industry led by Eric Miller at Phoenix Analysis & Design Technologies (PADT).

I am interested in point of care diagnostics for infectious disease. In particular, I have research projects in point of care immunoassays. I believe that we can quickly adapt our detection technology to COVID-19. I have a strong collaboration with Karen Anderson at ASU.

I currently work on stigma and how it produces illness and how is imbedded in global health activities. I also study more broadly how cultural norms (around weight, food/eating, and water) shape health and human biology. I am involved in predicting the stigma effects of COVID-19, such as for transmission, recovery, and effects on mental health. In addition, with the ASU Center for Global Health we are completing a study on food insecurity and food management strategies in communities in Puerto Rico dealing with COVID-19 quarantines and lockdown.
I am an expert in multi-method social research design and its integration with biomarker data. I am able to lead in social science and global health. I can connect to the Center for Global Health at ASU, a research center that focuses on understanding the social bases of health inequalities in the US as well as internationally.

I am interested in data science and genomics. I have experience in computation data science, data management, modeling, and bioinformatics.

I am interested in technology and lifestyle behaviors. Specifically, I’m working on app design and related technologies. I have an app developer colleague who has built many relevant apps that could quickly be adapted to COVID-19 work.

I am interested in polarization, democratic decay and populism in Europe. Specifically, I work on populism, state capacity and the health care sector in Eastern Europe. My expertise is on political responses to crisis. I bring a strong network of European universities, with a focus on departments of political science.

I currently work on professional learning in engineering for high school teachers. Specifically, I would like to work on a proposed project in response to school closures and the inability of participants to travel to an in-person professional development workshop. My expertise is aimed at identifying effective ways to reach individuals who can no longer ineract in person. My collaborations include: Stacy Klein-Gardner (Vanderbilt), Ken Reid (Virginia Tech), Jennifer Kouo (Towson), Ethan Eagle (University of Maryland), Kemi Ladeji-Osias and Steve Efe (Morgan State), Cheryl Beauchamp (Regent University) and Medha Dalal (ASU).

I work on the Recovering Truth project, which creates new fora and platforms for thinking and communicating about the pursuit, meaning, and recovery of truth in democratic life. The Recovering Truth project is exploring anti-science, anti-expertise cultures with focus on perpetuating conspiracy theories, fake news, and outright lies. I would like to contribute the resources available through the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict to advance research on COVD-19. I can lead in the areas of religion, politics, and culture. I can connect several research networks through three to four related projects in the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict.

I currently work on the NSF-funded ASU ADVANCE project. In addition, I contribute to future of work initiatives, human health, environmental health, human development, sustainable development goals (SDG), and Future of Work. In particular, I’m interested in how the ADVANCE equity in opportunity work can help COVID-19 response and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) 5: gender equality and the role of and impact on women during health crisis. I can contribute to efforts in writing, strategic planning, partnership building, and impact architecture. My collaborations include the Flinn Foundation network, as well as numerous connections with business, academia, and industry across the country.

I work on ways to allow for readily available real time music collaboration over the internet. I would like to contribute to projects and teams involving information technology experts and software engineers to support the creation of platforms to transmit high quality audio over the internet using a program like JackTrip ( that would allow for music collaborations. I can lead in testing and assembling of existing documentation.

I currently develop immunotherapeutics against cancer and other diseases. I can contribute to the effort in vaccine development and modulation of immune systems. Given some success of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in treating COVID-19 (presumably by modulating the immune system), I can find collaborators in this area. I actively collaborate with Hao Yan and Li Liu (ASU) for vaccine development and possible exploration of TCM.

I currently work in health promotion and disease prevention (e.g., HPV, HIV/STI, substance abuse, mental health) among vulnerable populations including ethnicity minority and immigrant/refugee populations. I am interested in collaborating with colleagues on proposal development.

I currently work in vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics against viral diseases and cancer. I can contribute to any project invoving protein-based components of SARS-CoV-2. I can work on projects for SARS-CoV-2 antigens, antibodies and produce new COVID-19 proteins within two weeks.

I work on climate justice, environmental justice, vulnerability assessment, resilient community. I have a related project in developing a study to correlate COVID-19 health impact and built environment indicators. I would like to contribute through research frameworks, spatial analysis, transdisciplinary and participatory approach with stakeholders and communities. I can lead in public policy, urban planning, and environmental design. I bring partners in the following areas: Asia Pacific Rim Universities, Environmental Design Research Association, Council of Educators for Landscape Architects, American Society of Landscape Architects, and Landscape Architecture Foundation.

I am interested in political leadership working to contain COVID-19. I can contribute my expertise and time on policy, and bring a large international network.

I use cryo-Electron Microscopy (EM) to study biomolecular structures. I am currently working on neuronal receptor complexes, ATPase, ATP synthase, and integrins. I would like to contribute my expertise in structural biology or cryo-EM.

I currently work at the National Accelerator for Cultural Innovation--how art and design can be framed to drive social change and equity and justice in community systems. Specifically, I am involved in a national working group on art and public health (University of Florida), national advisory, grant makers in the arts on arts ecologies and policy in non arts systems. I can contribute to economic/community response recovery and the role of art/design in behavioral health and community health. I’m a certified FEMA disaster responder and am fluent in the Stafford Act. I served in five previous federally declared national response efforts at the intersection of human service, resilience and long term recovery.

I work on Rhino Grasshopper (a visual coding language for parametric geometry) to visually imagine the semantics of emotion and the emotional space between two people and to collect data for a study on the semantics of emotion. The final design will be an accessible, online, data-collecting art experience. I would like to contribute by 3D printing, laser cutting, CAD modeling, and general digital design. I can lead in advanced manufacturing and digital design. I bring partners in the School of Arts, Media, and Engineering’s FabLab team and the SoA 3DVP Lab team.

I currently work in Russian media and social media disinformation. I recently completed a project on vested interests and student athlete concussion reporting, which dealt with encouraging a disfavored health behavior. I can contribute to analyzing communication (media, organizational, interpersonal) among groups affected by the virus and designing messaging to encourage desired behaviors/responses. My center has a large network of affiliated faculty and equally sizable external partner network.

I work on US Mexico border politics, cross-border cooperation, and immigration. I bring partners in non-governmental organizations and academic institutions on the US-Mexico and US-Canada border.

I am interested in machine learning and online mathematics research. I am interested in contributing to bolstering remote educational resources, with emphasis on online mathematical educational research. My collaborations include Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google.

I currently work in machine learning, high-dimensional statistics, and networked systems. I am interested in developing novel (interactive) machine learning algorithms for annotating nodes on networks. This could be useful for deciding where limited testing resources should be focused for determining spread of infection. I can bring external collaborators in the broad area of statistical machine learning.

I currently work in disaster mitigation planning and public health. Specifically, I am interested in community resilience for tribal communities. I bring expertise in geographic information systems (GIS), geodesign, and resiliency.

I currently work in social media monitoring of disinformation. Specifically, I can contribute to social media monitoring of COVID-19-related disinformation. My collaborators include ARTIS ( and social science expertise.

I currently work on migration and health. I am interested in online learning for refugees/migrants, migration, and health. I bring collaborators from the International Centre for Migration and Health - Geneva and Barcelona; United Nations Population Fund; and the University of Bologna, as well as ASU’s Education for Humanity project.

My research focuses on prevention of chronic disease and wellness in older adults. I can contribute expertise in Gerontology and meeting the needs of older adults including providing wellness programming. I have collaborators in Healthy Aging at the Arizona State Department of Health.

I currently work in text and data mining of scientific articles and health-related data. I can contribute these techniques to projects.

I currently work in -omics (genomics, metabolomics, proteomics), cloud computing, databases and tools for data management, integration and analysis. I can contribute my expertise in these areas to projects on COVID-19. I have collaborators at ASU from Biomedical Informatics, College of Health Solutions, Honor Health, and the Arizona Department of Public Health.

I currently work on redesigning healthcare delivery, development of IT, electronic health record (EHR)-related workflow, and contextual design. Specifically, I work on EHR-related workflow, stakeholder perspectives, improving care for high-cost, and high needs patients. I can contribute to development of grants, including planning and review of proposals. I bring collaborators that are involved with high cost, high needs patients translational team (College of Health Sciences, ASU); Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers; Mayo Clinic Clinical Informatics; Mountain Park Health System; and Copa Health.

I currently work in researcher-practitioner partnerships on legal interventions for and responses to domestic violence. In this case, COVID-19 is forcing people into isolation, which is likely going to exacerbate and increase violent relationships. I am interested in creating a project that examines the impacts of COVID-19 on prevalence and responses to domestic violence. I have expertise in quantitative and qualitative methods. I bring collaborators from the Arizona Office of the Courts, Committee on the Impact of Domestic Violence in the Courts (Arizona), connections with local law enforcement agencies, courts, and domestic violence service providers.

I work on Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT4D), grassroots innovation and poverty alleviation. I would like to contribute my expertise in cross-cultural communication, ethnography, visual and sensory methods, co-design, and qualitative methods. I can lead in communication design studies, indigenous studies, and subaltern studies. I can bring partners in South Asian academic-institutions and scholars.

I am currently working in adaptation, resilience, and vulnerability to climate change in Latin America. These theories/methods are applicable to the current crisis. Specifically, I work in Mexico City on resilience in the face of socio-hydrological stress and change. I am interested in understanding household responses, livelihood impacts, implications for vulnerable populations, i.e., migrants from Latin America in terms of social science methods and approaches in response to COVID-19. I bring collaborators from National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and University of Arizona on cross-border research.

I currently work in ethics education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Specifically, I am interested in STEM projects that need an ethics or science and society aspect. I can help connect projects to experts in the School of Life Sciences, Human Dimensions group. I am connected to the Online Ethics Center at the National Academies.

I am working on developing algorithms for image reconstruction. Specifically, I am offering mathematical solutions (modeling, development of algorithms, data analysis). I have connections to other computational and applied mathematicians.

I am currently working on globalization of the Chinese state, firm, and labor and the implications for socio-economic development in the Global South. Specifically, I am interested in China-Africa encounters in multiple economic sectors and the developmental implications. I am also interested in looking at cooperation in medical area in light of global public health crisis, and how that may transform the global health regime. I bring collaborations with the China-Africa Research Initiative at Johns Hopkins University.

I work on product and interaction design. I currently have a related project in 3D printing of PPEs. I would like to contribute by prototyping of tangible artifacts for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. I can lead in industrial design and interaction design.

I am interested in reducing veteran suicide in Arizona by addressing upstream social determinants of health (SDoH) factors. I am interested in helping in any way that I can, e.g., time, research, etc.

I currently work in efficacy, innovation, and continuous improvement in online learning, as well as predictive and causal models in student learning, motivation, and persistence. I am interested in continuing current work but partnering with others who are building out ASU's response to COVID-19; including expanding access to ASU, results and data to facilitate data-driven responses, and measuring impact/effectiveness. I bring collaborators in EdPlus, Center for Gender Equality in Science and Technology, Cornell, Stanford, University of Michigan, and MIT.

I currently work in valorization of biowaste to contain and limit plausible fecal-oral transmission of virus. I am interested in materials, surfaces and built environment as relates to containment and elimination of the virus. My collaborations include MIT, WSU and Howard University.

I work on health, well being and aging. I have a related project in new performance platforms, and engaging older adults during COVID-19. I would like to contribute through a dance, performance, and arts programs for older adults. I can lead in dance, arts and health. I bring partners in area stakeholders and area organizations serving older adults (Westward Ho, Friendship Village, Beatitudes).

I currently work in biocomputing, security, biological modeling. Specifically, I am interested in agent-based model of within-host infection spread. I bring collaborators from the University of New Mexico and the Santa Fe Institute.

I currently work in sensors and mobile devices and non-invasive detection. I can non-invasively diagnose the breathing parameters of an individual, and detect biomarkers of inflamation. I am interested in sensing mechanisms as a non-invasive analysis of first signs of respiratory problems of COVID-19 patients. I bring collaborators from Mayo Clinic.

I currently work on mathematical models of hierarchical spatial diffusion and statistical analysis of raised incidence of disease, conditioned on various factors. Specifically, I work on statistical models that identify areas of raised or lowered incidence of a disease conditioned on the attributes of each location. I am interested in identifying the spatial scale over which various processes operate. My research center personnel are experts in spatial data analysis from both a statistical and computational viewpoint, as well as GIS and mapping.

I work on analysis of air quality impacts from reduction in travel demand. I can lead in analysis of air quality impacts from reduction in travel demand. I bring partners in the Maricopa County Air Quality Department.

I work on gender inequality in social and political life. I have a related project in (1) the difference that women leaders make and (2) views toward gender equality and women's societal roles. I would like to contribute by providing my expertise on gender, politics and policy to interdisciplinary projects and grant proposals. I can lead in political science, public policy, public administration, and gender.

I currently work in disaster preparedness for food banks as well as a project on cost-effectiveness of disaster recovery CDBG-DR grants (HUD). Specifically, COVID-19 is taxing non-profit organizations such as food banks in unprecedented ways and a 50 state disaster where mutual aid is not possible was never conceived in their preparedness planning. I have active collaborations with non-profit organizations active in disasters (AZVOAD), county (MCDEM) and state level (DEMA) emergency mgtm organizations.

I work in patient prioritization in healthcare settings and epidemic modeling. Specifically, I’m interested in patient prioritization with Mayo Clinic. I bring collaborators at Mayo Clinic.

I currently work across a spectrum of climate-related activities. I am interested in connecting climate with COVID-19. I have data for the entire continental U.S., using physics-based/process-based climate modeling for 2000 – 2010/2090 – 2100 for the entire U.S. at city-scale that include contemporary climate simulations and projected urban expansion, emissions of greenhouse gases, and adaptation strategies. For researchers trying to understand whether changes in meteorological or climatological parameters (e.g., temperature and moisture) are important in affecting COVID-19 transmission, this data set may be able to assist work on infection, transmission, and containment.

I currently work in disaster management across multiple dimensions, but particularly public sector preparedness and response efforts, and cross-sector operational relationships. Specifically, I am interested in: (1) non-governmental organizations in disaster response and recovery, and (2) mitigation practices related to building community resilience capacity. Melanie Gall and I co-direct the Center for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (Watts College) and have extensive working relationships at all levels of government and with the disaster nonprofit community (Arizona and nationally).

I work on social dilemmas/collective action problems and disinformation. I am working on a project that examines how people navigate social dilemmas and collective action problems--scenarios where the community benefits if everyone behaves a certain way, but that behavior comes at a cost to individuals that may discourage them from acting for the public good. Specifically, I am leading a project called "Port of Mars", which examines social dilemmas and collective action problems. I am also part of a COVID-19 Disinformation Working Group. I can offer access to Port of Mars as a platform for research, and data that is produced. I can lead in art/science collaborations and performance/theatre. I bring partners from the School of Earth and Space Exploration, the Interplanetary Initiative, Global Security Initiative (COVID disinformation), School of Sustainability, and Fulton School of Engineering (robotics and artificial intelligence).

I work on glycan-binding proteins that inhibit enveloped viruses including coronavirus. This is a very general mechanism and works for anything that is enveloped and glycosylated, thus could be useful for future strains as well. I am interested in partnering with virologists, thinking of new, general diagnostic tests that apply to enveloped viruses, and research tools for glycobiology.

I currently work in reducing misinformation via journalism and media literacy. Specifically, News Co/Lab is working on new online course/videos, in part to help the public sort out good information from bad.

I work on dedicated social systems, dis-/misinformation and conspiracy theories, intercultural communication, and strategic communication. I have a related project in narratives and counternarratives emerging in different countries about the origins, management, treatment, and future outcomes of the coronavirus pandemic. I would like to contribute expertise in narrative analysis, crisis communication, and public communication.

I am interested in community-based surveillance protocols. Specifically, I am interested in achieving higher-level social resilience outcomes and collaborating to develop an integrated community surveillance protocol. I bring collaborators from UW-Madison.

I currently work on time-resolved x-ray studies of soft and hard materials. Specifically, I’m working in phase contrast x-ray imaging with Mayo Clinic. My collaborators are all involved in compact X-ray free electron laser (CXFEL) and come from Mayo, University of Arizona, Stanford, Harvard, Massachussets Institute of Technology, University of Illinois Urbana Champagne, Kansas State University, University of Nebraska Lincoln, University of California Berkeley. As well, I have collaborators from National labs including Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

I currently work in early literacy, reading, oral language, working memory development and disorders. I am interested in working with others who work with children. I bring national and international partners as collaborators.

I currently work on diagnosics, and am particurlarly focused on low-cost point-of-care diagnostics, point-of-care pathogen detection, and diagnostic technologies development. I have contacts with specialists in Canada and New York who have COVID-19–related samples.

I am a socio-environmental gerontologist with training in public health and social work. My research builds understanding of the influence of the ego-centric networks of aging individuals on health, identity, and social isolation. I then draw on this understanding to develop, implement, and evaluate tailored and scalable interventions. My primary research focuses on social experiences of marrinalized aging individuals in rural environments and non-urban centers. I am the lead on an aging & COVID-19 study that examines this topic. I can assist in research involving aging and elder populations, collection and analysis of social network data, and broad public health objectives and perspectives. I could potentially bring collaborators from the University of Kentucky, University of South Carolina, and American Public Health Association.

I currently work in political economy and sociology, which are particularly relevant to the development of COVID-19 governance and policy. Specific areas of emphasis include water governance and human rights, as well as good governance and human rights. I am joining a project to provide a broader systemic perspective regarding the vulnerabilities and resiliencies of the social and institutional context of COVID-19. I could potentially bring collaborators with social science training from the School of Social Transformation and related schools, such as the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and Sanford School.

I currently conduct near real–time population health and threat assessments using community wastewater from Tempe and cities around the world. I have a project in rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 in municipal sewage to assess the status of the pandemic locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. I could contribute population data and information on SARS-CoV-2 detection in wastewater. I colloborate with many postdocs and doctoral students, including Matthew Scotch, Arvind Varsani, Brenda Hogue, and Efrem Lim. I am PI on an R01 (Halden/Scotch/Varsani) and a Tempe monitoring project.

I currently work in clinical microbiology; therapeutics, diagnostics related to bacterial infections, bacterial–host interactions, peptide therapeutics, and immunomodulatory peptides. I have biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) clinical laboratory training and public health laboratory experience. My current projects focus on peptide therapeutics and immunomodulatory peptides that treat fibrosis and block cytokine storm. I could contribute by working on safe patient sample collection and handling, safe patient sample handling, novel therapeutics, and infection prevention. I bring collaborators at Tuskegee University and Riptide Bioscience.

I currently work in microfluidics and anofluidics for bioparticle concentration and have a project in diffentiating between virus mutants and wild types using only an electric field. I can contribute in the areas of unique bioparticle selection and concentration, and could lead efforts in technology development and bioanalytics. I work with many collaborators who could potentially contribute.

I currently study exposure to aerosols and the efficiency of filters and personal protective gear (including respirators and masks) in stopping nanoparticles in the 10–200 nm range, which encompasses the 50–200 nm range of SARS CoV-2. I have projects in exposure to nanoparticles of size similar to that of the COVID-19-causing virus and in determining the capture efficiency of filters and personal protective equipment. My colleagues and I can measure particle-size distributions and number concentrations in the air in the submicron range down to 10 nm, use our set-ups to generate test aerosols, and study lifetime by exposing particles and viruses to controlled atmospheres. I can lead studies in aerosols and air transmission, and bring internal collaborators in aerosols and nonparticles. I have many external collaborators with expertise in specifically related areas.

I work on mindfulness and music, parent coaching of music interventions for children with autism. I have a related project in research on mindfulness and music. I would like to collaborate to create music and mindfulness resources for families with ASD, who are struggling with stress due to stay-at-home measures. I would like to contribute my research skills and collaborations on health-related use of the arts. I can lead in topics related to Autism Spectrum Disorder, parent coaching, mindfulness and music, and music therapy. I bring partners at the College of Health Solutions and the University of Iowa.

I work on issues pertaining to digital technology and community advocacy. I examine how local communities engage the public through digital technologies as well as embodied engagements. My work spans both embodied, qualitative methodologies and textual analysis. I have a project, in coordination with scholars in sustainability, is examining the ways that children engage playspaces. We are considering transitioning this work to try and understand how children are playing during the pandemic. Communication studies and my work spans across both social scientific and humanities perspectives. I am willing to contribute time and talent regarding qualitative methods, humanistic approaches, and digital technologies.

I currently work in emergency legal preparedness and response issues, and represent the Network for Public Health Law, which is heavily invested in these issues at the national and regional levels. I can address issues or questions on law or policy related to COVID-19 and could lead efforts in law, policy, and ethics. I have numerous collaborators who could also contribute.

I currently study many areas of coronaviruses, including virology, structure-function, vaccine development, and surveillance, and work on multiple ongoing coronavirus and COVID-19 projects in my lab and collaborations. I can contribute coronavirus expertise, as well as broad connections with other coronavirus investigators worldwide. My ASU collaborators include the BioXFEL STC Group, Matthew Scotch, Efrem Lim, Rolf Halden, Arvind Varsani, Mark Hayes (SMS), Qiang (Shawn) Chen, Bertram Jacobs, Grant McFadden, Karen Anderson, and Josh LaBaer. I also work with multiple UA investigators, TGen North, and Mayo Clinic.

I currently work in herpesvirus replication and spread in the nervous system, and I am establishing methods to study coronavirus exit from infected cells. I also bring extensive experience working at the BSL-3 level.

I currently work on health communication campaigns on social media. Specifically, I am doing a qualitative content analysis of the media portrayal of COVID-19 in the U.S. to acquire a holistic understanding of the main topics and ideas expressed over time. I particularly examine the news coverage narratives of fear and panic and economic slowdown. I will also examine external influencers on the media, such as the U.S.-China trade war, ban on U.S. journalists in China, and infections of prominent celebrities and politicians (Prince Charles, Tom Hanks, and Angela Markel, as examples). I can contribute by providing health message design and measurement strategies, collecting social media data to examine changing public perceptions about COVID-19, and designing targeted communication campaigns to reach vulnerable populations through mass media. I have research collaborations with health communicators across the U.S. through my affiliation with international and national communication associations.

I am a physician, and my undergraduate degree is in microbiology. I can bring collaborations with medical and healthcare providers. In particular, Nelson Nicolasora, MD, would likely share data he is gathering on the private Facebook group “COVID-19 for Physicians.” The goal of this Facebook group is to collaborate and find evidence-based protocols for COVID-19 treatment, prevention, and healthcare worker protection. I can potentially bring in local providers from this group as collaborators, depending on the disciplines needed.

I currently work in poxvirus vaccine vectors and have a new project to insert coronavirus proteins into our vaccinia virus vector. A planned project will examine whether a pro-inflammatory form of cell death called necroptosis (a subject of my past research) might be responsible for the severe pneumonia in COVID-19. I can contribute to efforts to generate vaccines and coronavirus cell death, and can lead projects in vaccines and virology. I may be working on projects with industry on SARS-CoV-2 detection. Ribomed and CRX have approached me to help them with sensors, and Mitesh Borad at Mayo Clinic has approached us to make prime-boost vaccines with his vaccine vector of choice.

I’m currently working on two COVID-19 projects. The first is an international survey examining the social, behavior, and economic impacts of COVID-19 and community resilience. The second is a case control study with testing conducted by commercial labs. I’m on the Student Outbreak Response Team, a student team trained to assist local public health with disease surveillance. I can contribute to the design of longitudinal epidemiology studies and of preparedness and tabletop exercises. I can also assist with analysis of testing data, clinical trials of anti-viral medications, epidemiology, and modeling. I can lead the design of epidemiology research. I can bring several collaborators: the University of Arizona epidemiology team, Maricopa County Department of Public Health, Arizona Department of Health Services, and a social behavioral survey lead at York University.

I work on telematic performance, experiential learning, and socially engaged performance. I am a certified death doula and working on issues related to grieving and ecological grief. I would like to contribute by joining a research group that seeks to strengthen communities. I work with other artists who are starting with disaster response non-governmental organizations and I have cohort of death doulas.

I work on the impact of leadership communication (governor-level) on social distancing behavior. I have a related experiment documenting a causal effect of charismatic leadership communication of COVID-19 information on citizens' willingness to social distance. I would like to contribute through collaborations, discussion, and data sharing. I can lead in social sciences, leadership and management,and communication. I bring partners at Danish universities, including Copenhagen and Aarhus University.

I work on risk modeling.

As part of my focus on attitudes toward religion, science, and self-reliance, I am collecting data on the extent that people have changed their views toward science and religion in times of pathogen prevalance. I can assist with social psychological research that requres access to the broad U.S. population via online web hosts. I am currently funded by the Issachar Foundation.

I currently work in K-12 Engineering Education. Specifically, I’m working providing equitable and accessible learning opportunities to K–12 students during and following this time of crisis. Potential collaborators in my network include students and another professor in the sciences program at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Learning, and teacher leaders in a local school district.

I am interested in the movements of pandemics and human physical energy. Specifically, I seek to better understand the economic, political, social, and territorial organization of people. My previous research critiqued communication modalities used by early modern colonial travelers as a form of intimate violence, particularly modalities related to the the early modern Atlantic slave trade and the Portuguese and Spanish nation-state. More recently, I have been connecting that history with an examination of Sicilian epidemics and their complex patterns in early modern history. I am also concerned with the violence of depletion and issues of democracy.

I currently work in hydration, water intake, and health. I am interested in contributing to the discussion on research projects.

As part of my current work on poxviruses and HIV, viruses, and vaccines, I am involved with testing a new detection platform for industry, vaccine development, and screening of antivirals.

I currently work on the future of digital credentials and future of learning. Specifically, I am interested in blockchain work for issuing and verifying credentials. I bring collaborators from Salesforce, Dignity Health, IBM and others hoping to support rapid response education and credentials.

I recently worked on model to understand the efficacy of automated contact tracing for COVID-19. I published a manuscript about a model to estimate the effectiveness of automated contact tracing on medRxiv ( I would like to contribute to mathematical modeling and statistical analysis. I bring partners in computational and mathematical biologists at the Beyond Center and ASU-SFI Center for Biosocial Complex Systems at ASU.

I work on COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation and the impact of state and local actions on social outcomes. I have worked with faculty in other universities regarding COVID-19 disinformation. I am a policy scholar and am interested in working with engineers or information scientists who can help me mine social media data. I can lead projects in public policy, policy analysis, infectious disease modeling and response, and environmental justice and policy. I am working with Karen Mossberger, a trained political scientist who is an expert on digital inequality and digital divide. I am also part of the COVID-19 Disinformation Working Group that consists of faculty at other universities.

I work in live performances. I would like to contribute by understanding how to safely work in groups in a post-pandemic world. I can contribute my expertise in public project development.

I currently work in open scale courseware technology. Specifically, we are offering open scale courses to students displaced from their schools. I can contribute to system design and implementation, along with database setup and systems.

I work on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and healthcare delivery. A current project is studying self-screening for HPV—which could be related to any self-sampling initiative for COVID-19. I can assist in qualitative research, community-based research, and screening/vaccination interventions and could lead qualitative research. Potential collaborators include members of the Infectious Disease Department of St. Joseph’s Hospital.

I currently work in microcontamination control. Specifically, I am interested in ozone disinfection. I can contribute to developing sterilization equipment and techniques. I can bring collaborators from Nanfab and EMC.

I currently work on gut microbiome and autism and gut microbiome and metabolism. This work is not directly related to COVID-19. However, but gut microbiome is tightly linked with immunity and protection of the gut, one of the target sites of COVID-19. I can contribute with grant writing, and running a microbiome-related project.

I currently work on data collection surveys, coherent remote file systems (CRF), and databases using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) application. My day-to-day activities are heavily involved in the use of REDCap as a data collection and management tool. I am willing to assist researchers interested in designing/setting up data collection projects using REDCap and could lead design and implementation of data collection and management projects.

I currently work on digital media manipulation: online information, misinformation, and political protests; and knowledge sharing in dark web communities. In collaboration with colleagues in China, I am a special-issue guest editor on pandemic and digital media and rumor-debunking about coronavirus in social media, such as Sina Weibo, one of the largest social media platforms in China. I can contribute by adding a communication perspective to projects, as well as by assisting with social scientific research design and analysis. I can lead projects in communication, digital media, and journalism.

I am leading COVID-19 clinical testing using molecular assays at ASU, working with partners as part of a state-wide effort, and the development of a pancoronavirus serological test to look at responses to all known human coronavirus proteins. I am one of the nation’s foremost investigators in the rapidly expanding field of personalized diagnostics. My efforts focus on the discovery and validation of biomarkers — unique molecular fingerprints of disease — which can provide early warning for those at risk of major illnesses, including cancer and diabetes. I can lead in diagnostics, molecular biology, and high-through put testing. I can connect collaborators with the Biodesign Institute’s ongoing research in COVID-19.

I’m currently predicting the COVID-19 trend and trajectory based on mathematical modeling and machine learning, and have projects in the theoretical modeling of the spreading dynamics of COVID-19. I can assist or lead in projects on theoretical models of the COVID-19 pandemic and bring expertise and data from collaborators in China.

I model the effect of coordination and cooperation among states and countries on the spread of COVID-19. I have a project on how non-centralized governance (e.g., governance from multiple countries) affects the efficiency of treatment. I can contribute to projects that involve mathematical modeling.

As part of my focus on modeling and policy, I am working on modeling to assess needs. I can contribute to or lead efforts that involve modeling and policy to support local governments, businesses, and communities. I am a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) liaison and could bring collaborators from the CDC, Arizona Department of Health Services, Arizona counties, and the international modeling community.

I currently study RNA biology and the role of RNA modifications in cells. I conduct programmable RNA targeting in cells using CRISPR and RNAi systems for fluorescent imaging and isolation of specific transcripts, identification of RNA-protein interactions in cells, and molecular mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas systems. Our work seeks to understand the role of RNA modifications (base and sugar methylation) in cells in normal and pathological state. We would be interested in examining topics related to SARS-CoV-2, such as changes in levels of RNA modifications upon interacting with SARS-CoV-2, if RNA of SARS-CoV-2 is modified, and how these modifications change upon viral infection. Until my ASU lab is ready, I can contribute as a consultant with expertise in RNA biology/biochemistry and CRIPSR-Cas genome editing.

I currently work on complex systems, evolutionary theory, evolution of knowledge, complexity economics, and systemic risks. Current work focuses on failure and regeneration in complex systems; extending evolutionary theory to include knowledge, institutions, and economics; and evolutionary approaches to systemic risks. I can lead studies on complex systems, evolution, and history. As Director of the Global Biosocial Complexity Initiative (GBCI), I can offer the collaboration and expertise of a 15-member modeling team. Other potential collaborators include faculty affiliated with GBCI, as well as contacts at the Santa Fe Institute, Max Planck Society, Global Climate Forum, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), and Complexity Science Hub Vienna, which is running a large COVID-19 project.

I work in infection prevention and control and behavioral science, including social networks and social media analysis. I have led collaborative teams on the analysis of social media and social networks, and I lead clinical and translational research in the College of Health Solutions (CHS). I have studied tobacco treatment, relevant in that tobacco use is a predictor of COVID-19 outcomes, and social media analysis related to e-cigarette use. I can assist by helping to promote collaborative networks and identifying ways to foster clinical and translational research, through, for example, using our clinical research infrastructure. I could also foster translational science efforts that would allow us to build our infrastructure to link researchers, communty, and students (see our translational team effort on the College of Health Solutions website). We could engage our affinity network and translational team to support some of these efforts, as well as our clinical research infrastructures located in the Arizona Biomedical Collaborative.

I currently work on the statistical modeling of social science data and test data. I could contribute to data analysis efforts, provided I have relevant expertise, and potentially could bring a data analysis team to collaborate.

I currently work on social media analysis, particularly visual data of social media and deep learning for visual recognition. This is highly relevant to COVID-19, as much of the misinformation on the virus employs visual data. I can contribute by providing my expertise in deep learning and visual analysis and could lead deep learning and visual processing initiatives.

I currently focus on machine learning, statistical inference, and uncertainty quantification. I am working on several projects with Mayo Clinic using machine learning algorithms to integrate imaging, genomics, and clinical data for predictive analytics and disease characterization. I could collaborate with domain experts on analyzing complicated data to develop predictors and derive biomarker signatures. I could lead efforts involving machine learning and statistical inference.

I currently work on disaster and disaster mitigation. I could potentially work on COVID-19 perception, prevention, and anti-discrimination. I have sent an inquiry on this project to the NSF grants for Rapid Response Research program.

I currently work on computer-aided diagnosis, and the algorithms we have developed may be used for detecing COVID-19 within images. I could contribute to projects involving deep learning, data mining, computer vision, and medical image analysis. I can lead efforts in deep learning and medical imaging. As collaborators, I could bring Angela Chen in ASU’s College of Nursing and Health Innovation; Karen Leong of ASU’s Asian Pacific American Studies, School of Social Transformation, and Lu Wang of Ryerson University.

My research focuses on the spatial science of human-environment systems and sustainable development, with specific interests in understanding the relationships among land, rights, and resources, as well as the causal mechanisms for achieving synergistic outcomes in agricultural production, environmental conservation, and human well-being. I would like to contribute by allocating time to investigate the socioeconomic and environmental impact of COVID-19. I can lead in human-environment science, sustainability and development.

I currently study microbiomes and viromes in human health and disease. Since January 2020, I have been involved in SARS-CoV-2 surveillance of ASU Health Services specimens and a project for the next-generation sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 genome from positive cases, including from Arizona Departement of Health Services. I am Institutional Biosafety Committee- (IBC)-approved to work with COVID-19 clinical specimens and can contribute qRT-PCR assays and next-generation sequencing. I could lead projects in diagnostics and next-generation sequencing, and am establishing a data collection collaboration with Wuhan Remin Hospital.

I currently focus on detecting and mitigating disinformation and disinformation campaigns and have a project in fake news detection and social network analysis. I could lend expertise in big data, machine learning, and social media analysis to projects and lead social media mining and artificial intelligence efforts. Any potential collaborators would need expertise in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and social network analysis.

I currently work in bioscience research, bioinformatics, biostatistics, and computational methods for integrative multi-omics analysis. I have a data mining project to understand the molecular basis of age-related differences in the clinical characteristics of COVID-19. I could lend expertise in bioinformatics and biostatistics to projects, and lead initiatives that involve big data integration for biosciences. Any potential collaborators would need expertise in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and social network analysis.

I am currently working detecting and mitigating disinformation and misinformation campaigns. I have ongoing projects in fake news detection and social network analysis. I can contribute to project involving big data, machine learning, and social media analysis, and can lead in the areas of social media mining and artificial intelligence. I am currently collaborating with Matthew Scotch and Brenda Hogue, both at ASU.

I currently work in network and systems modeling and have projects in network modeling and optimization to support epidemiology and logistics research. Other projects investigate policy implications for transportation and socioeconomic activities. I can bring collaborators in bioinformatics and biostatistics from Mayo Clinic.

I currently work on training programs for teams integrating primary care medical and behavioral health. Current projects involve developing, implementing, and disseminating training programs. I could bring collaborations with computer science faculty, local and state transportation agencies, College of Health Solutions (HIDA), and Arizona community healthcare clinics.

I currently work in the areas of journalism, mass communicatoin, digital audience engagement, and public relations. I can bring potential collabotors from the media industry, state department, and Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

As an actively funded researcher and teacher of epidemiology, I am interested in determinants of health behaviors such as physical activity and behavioral nutrition. My background is public health, and I mainly focus on behavioral epidemiology. I have strong relationships with faculty at San Diego State University’s Graduate School of Public Health and have contacts with Arizona’s Department of Education.

I currently work in research related to cancer and infectious diseases, and study HIV and Ebola viruses. I can make contributions in structural biology by using x-ray crystallography at synchrotrons and x-ray free electron lasers (XFELs). I could lead in the areas of structure-based drug discovery, crystallography, and expression and purification of protein targets. Potential collabators with extensive experience working with HIV and Ebola viruses include Dr. Francisco Conejero Lara at the University of Granada (Spain) and Dr. Ana Camara Artigas at the University of Almeria (Spain).

I am working on vaccine platforms, including virus-like particles (VLP) and recombinant immune complexes (RIC). I have projects in Zika virus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines, and anti-viral mAb. I can contribute plant-based expression of antigens and mAbs, including VLP and RIC.

I am working on projects that focus on individual and community resilience in Maricopa County. I use social network analysis and GIS research methods in my work. I have begun working with the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience (KER), which partners with individuals and organizations in Maricopa County to provide services to the community. I can apply my knowledge of social network analysis to these efforts, and can lead in the social science disciplines, as well as in the areas of human geography, anthropology, and social networks.

I currently work in emergent risk, navigating social risk, risk communication and engagement, and innovative approaches to navigating emergent and complex risk landscapes, especially for enterpreneurs but also within larger enterprises. The ASU Risk Innovation Nexus, which offers services, tools, and methods to increase start-up and entrepreneurial success, is gearing up to explore relevance and connections to COVID-19. I can contribute insights, resources, and tools for novel and innovative approaches to emergent risk. I can bring collaborators from the University of Colorado Boulder and University of Florida.

I work on the role that ethical norms play in combating the pandemic and the ethical issues in rationing care. A related project is with the Role of Moral Capital in a Pandemic: A Comparative Inquiry. I can contribute my expertise and am able to lead in ethical and cultural issues.

I work on writing short theatre performance pieces that are becoming video projects due to COVID-19 concerns. I have skewed several of my pieces (monologues and ensemble) to reflect that they are being created during Covid 19 crisis. I would like to contribute by turning responses to the crisis into narratives, and short performances/videos. I can lead in writing, performing, and interviewing. I bring collaborators at ASU, the Public Theatre/Under The Radar Festival in NYC, Dixon Place Theater (NYC), Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center (Pomona, CA), and the Theatre Artists Studio (Phoenix).

I currently work in natural language processing and literacy tutoring technologies. I have projects in misconceptions about COVID-19 and providing automated tutoring technologies to children. The ASU Risk Innovation Nexus, which offers services, tools, and methods to increase start-up and entrepreneurial success, is poised to partner with others on relevant projects.

I currently work in epidemic simulations and have projects in time-delay dynamics in susceptible, infected, and removed (SIR) models, which are epidemiological models that compute the theoretical number of people infected with a contagious illness in a closed population over time. I am interested in susceptible-exposed-infected-removed (SEIR) models, which accont for the gradual return of recovered individuals to a susceptible state. I also bring understanding and expertise in K–12, nonprofit, grant and community college networks.

I currently work in location-based intelligence: real-time tracking and trace apps and civil liberties issues; data handling practices; predictive and responsive systems; emergency management; privacy, security, and trust; control and care; app reliability and accuracy; data errors; and implications for the individual. A current focus is technology and society issues, specifically, socio-technical-legal approaches, including socio-ethical concerns. I could lead or support a grant in location services and emergency management and could contribute to projects in informatics, socio-technical systems, technology and societal implications, tension between civil liberties and social securitization, and various types of apps and use cases based on a variety of emergencies.

Our group focuses on the psychological and social relationship impacts of social distancing and are currently developing a study on this topic. We can bring a large network of potential collaborators in psychology, sociology, communications, and public health, via PLuS Alliance and others.

I currently study urban climate, a discipline that could help answer questions about the sensitivity of COVID-19 to seasons or weather. I can contribute to proposals related to pandemics and urban climate, and could lead urban climate initiatives. Some of the potential ASU collaborators I could bring include Ashley Randall (College of Integrative Science and Arts); Masumi Iida and Sarah Lindstrom Johnson (School of Social and Family Dynamics); Nicole Roberts, Mary Burleson, and Deborah Hall (School of Social and Behavioral Sciences); and Phuong Thao Ha (Department of Psychology).

I currently work in dissemination of information for health behavior and policy change and have projects in disseminating research findings to inform health decision-making. I can provide expertise in these areas to projects and can lead in the discipline of community health education methods. I can bring collaborators from the Urban Climate Research Center, and City of Tempe.

I currently work in leukemia immunology and treatment, and have connections with University of Arizona College of Public Health.

I currently design and produce biologics against infectious disease, cancer and cocaine-abuse related diseases. Specifically, I am interested in plant-produced virus-like particles as vaccine candidates against HIV. Both SARS-CoV-2 and HIV have enveloped virions and since plants make VLPs of the one, we hypothesize that they can also make them against the other. I can contribure my expertise in producing VLPs in plants, other immunogens, various instruments, students. I am actively collaborating with Ben Gurion University.

I currently work in porous materials for adsorption and diffusion and fluorescent sensors. I can contribute to projects by developing porous materials for drug delivery and developing game-based educational modules.

I am an applied and computational mathematical scientist whose research program is driven by the mathematical and computational modeling of problems of interest to the public health or social sciences communities.

I currently work in clinical informatics, applying my background in medicine, systems design, quality improvement, strategic planning, research and the practice of primary care internal medicine across the continuum to improve technology-assisted health care. Specifically, I serve on the Arizona Department of Health Services COVID-19 Projections Modeling Workgroup. I can contribute to expertise on epidemiology and community virtual Q & A sessions to mitigate misinformation. I am a seasoned healthcare executive and can lead clinical and applied research efforts. I bring connections to all Arizona medical centers, health plans, state agencies and the state health information exchange, Health Current.

I am interested in contributing my expertise in writing to create public facing engagements.

I work on cell cycle regulation, cancer biology, bio-marker based diagnostic test development. I bring collaborators in industry and academia. My team studies epigenetic changes in response to environmental exposures and develops epigenetic-biomarker based diagnostic tests to detect exposures to toxic chemicals, pathogens, explosives and radiological agents. Specifically, I work on single droplet analysis for disease identification. I can contribute to projects involving the development of molecular diagnostics to; a) early diagnosis and b) predict pathophysiology of COVID-19.

I have been studying and teaching risk and crisis communications for many years. I have projects in studying media and social media framing of COVID-19 across time and my students are collecting ethnogrpahic data. I can contribute risk and crisis communications to projects.

I research how journalists and the public perceive each other and how they act on those perceptions. I have just finished interviewing U.S. citizens throughout the country from a mix of socioeconomic and ideological backgrounds to understand where people are going for news about coronavirus, which sources they trust and which they do not, and what those decisions say about larger issues related to journalism's credibility among the public. I am interested in learning about other projects people at ASU are pursuing, especially those relating to public affairs, journalism, and perceptions among the public. I can be a resource for qualitative work and/or workshop papers others are producing. I can lead in journalism studies and audience studies.

I currently work in geographic and spatial data science, and have projects in spatial modelling and transportation. I can participate in grant writing and lead in the disciplines of mapping, spatial modelling, environmental change, and GIS.

I currently work in the areas of prejudice, intergroup conflict, and social change. I’m working on a recently funded NSF RAPID grant on the implications of COVID-19 on prejudices, cultural change, and health. I can bring colloaborators from the Spatial Analysis Research Center and local governments.

I am a leading expert in the development and application of 3D biomimetic tissue models that closely mimic the structure and function of the parental tissue as predictive human surrogates to study host-pathogen interactions, infectious disease mechanisms, and antimicrobial efficacy. We have a variety of different validated advanced 3D models representing tissues of interest for SARS-2, including respiratory and intestinal models. I am currently working on development and application of advanced 3D bimimetic tissue models that mimic the structure and function of human tissues (including lung and intestine) for COVID-19 research.

I currently work on evaluating surfactant protein A (SP-A) as an agent to protect against bacterial respiratory infections. SP-A may play a similar role for COVID-19 infections. I bring a strong background in immunology with focus on innate immune responses, and have a mouse model that could be very useful in deciphering the role of SP-A in COVID-19 infections. I can lead in the disciplines of immunology and molecular biology. I can bring major collaborators in academia, government, and industry nationally and internationally.

I currently research interventions to prevent behavioral health problems, such as substance misuse, crime, violence, and mental health issues, among youth and young adults. I also conduct realated health disparities research and community-based approaches. I can contribute grant writing expertise, study design (randomized trials, longitudinal), and quantitative analysis methods. I can lead in the areas of prevention science, social work, sociology, psychology, risk and protective factors, SDoH, adolescents and young adults, substance use/misuse, and health disparities. I bring connections to local (especially minority) communities through a community advisory board; the Society for Prevention Research; and the Office of Evaluation at ASU’s Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center.

I currently work on agent-based modeling, social network analysis, SDoH, and chronic illness management. Current projects cover social contagion of health norms and chronic illness management using agent-based modeling. I can contribute expertise in SDoH, agent-based modeling, and social network analysis relying on health information technology. I can lead in the areas of SDoH and social science. I bring collaborators from Valleywise Health and Mountain Park Health Center.

I currently work on school and community food policies and their impact on health outcomes. I could provide expertise on the impact of COVID-19 on nutrition safety net systems. I bring potential contacts with public health partners at the county and state level, Valleywise Health, and Mountain Park Health Center. I can bring a strong research team examining public health nutrition policies and programs and county public health.

I work on crowd-sourced sensor data fusion, threat detection and modeling. I have a related project in detection of explosive vapor using cheap sensors, crowd-sourcing, and data fusion. I would like to contribute to projects using my expertise in machine learning based data analytics with repeatability and reprodicibility errors. I can lead in extracting information from noisy data. I bring partners in digital signal processing at University of California-Irvine and security and privacy at the University of California – San Diego, and system-level modeling and crowd modeling at University of Deleware.

I currently work on the ethics, regulation, and social impact of emerging technologies. I have a project in research misconduct among STEM professionals. While not directly related to COVID-19, its cautionary principles may apply in this unprecedented situation of relaxed regulatory oversight. I can participate on working groups and help write and coordinate grant submissions. I can lead efforts in bioethics, science and technology studies, and history and philosophy of science. I can bring ASU collaborators from the Center for Biology and Society and Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics.

I currently work on statistical modeling and data analysis, and have developed a proposal on pandemic outbreak patterns. I can contribute statistical modeling expertise and lead in data analytics. Possible colllaborators include a biostatistician in the College for Public Health and Social Justice at Saint Louis University.

I currently study health disparities in U.S. immigration policy. COVID-19 exacerbates disparities in accessing health care (such as through the the public charge rule) during a period of restrictive immigration policy. I can provide experience in the health policy research field and can lead in the disciplines of global health, health disparities, and maternal child health. I can bring collaborators from ASU’s School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Global Women's Health Initiative, and Student Health Outreach for Wellness.

I currently work on dynamical systems in cognitive science, data visualization, developing analysis techniques, and natural regularities in perception. Specifically, I look at new contact tracing algorithms. I can contribute to analysis and visualization, writing manuscripts, and experiment design. I can lead in the areas of cognitive science/perception, speech research, and analysis of systems for dynamical structure. I can connect to cognitive faculty at ASU, Frank Wilczek's interdisciplinary SciHub group, dynamical systems scientists at University of Nebraska Omaha, and I have worked with US Army PsyOps group.

I work on generating optimal policies in the presence of information at different levels of accuracy and on optimal control for extremely high dimensional problems. I am a lead PI on a project that identifies optimal testing policies in presence of heterogeneous testing technologies that differ in cost and accuracy. We are also working on new epidemiological models for COVID-19. I can contribute expertise and time and can lead in optimization and optimal control activities. I can bring potential collaborators from ASU’s Center for Assured and Scalable Data Engineering (CASCADE), the ASU-Mayo Center for Innovative Imaging (AMCII), and ASU’s Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency (CAOE).

I work in the areas of human activity patterns, consumption behaviors, travel demand, and transportation and mobility networks. We examine changes in human activity and travel patterns in response to system conditions, socio-economic conditions, health scenarios, and technology. I can provide perspectives on any research related to understanding how humans adapt their activity and travel patterns to the prevailing conditions and recommendations, and can lead in the disciplines of transportation, traveler behavior, human activity patterns, traffic congestion, and energy and emissions impacts. I can bring collaborators from many international universities and the Maricopa Association of Governments.

I currently work on clinical partnerships, healthcare delivery infrastructure, and clinical trials design. Specifically, I work on connecting ASU with clinical partners to supply chain and best practices. I can contribute my connections with Knowledge Enterprise and clinical delivery systems, as well as collaborations with philanthropic organizations, AAMC, and HHS.

I am currently studying how people adapt their housing to meet their needs and how housing links to social inequality. I also research how people living in single family homes are adapting their attached front garages to prosper, preach, and play. These types of adaptations may be accelerating and diversifying as people shelter at home. I can participate in connecting to broader research efforts to understand the socioeconomic effects of the COVID-19, including on housing markets. I can lead in the disciplines of housing planning and policymaking, the social and environmental determinants of health, and the built environment. I can bring collaborators from a group of housing planners working nationally to understand the effects of COVID-19.

I work on material insecurity from such events as income loss, housing loss, and job loss. I have a current project on income loss and housing loss associated with the Great Recession and Foreclosure Crisis that is examining social impacts from a crisis perspective. I can lead in the areas of sociology, insecurity, inequality, crises, and work.

I currently work in mental health policy and suicide prevention. Because social isolation policies can lead to increased suicide rates, proactive prevention measures are needed to improve social support systems and prevent suicide. I am interested in writing papers or commentaries and in other relevant collaborations. I can lead suicide prevention research. I can bring connections to people at Be Connected, Arizona Coalition for Military Families, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System.

I work in the large-scale deployment of child- and family-based prevention and intervention for pediatric anxiety and related problems, such as depression, suicide, academic engagement, coping, and resilience building. We are developing an e-health platform in response to COVID-19 to help mental health providers, caregivers, and youth cope with the stress and anxiety related to the current global health crisis. I can connect our resources to communities and projects, as in the COMPASS program, offered through ASU’s Courage Lab, which help youth overcome anxiety through games and role-play activities. I can lead efforts in anxiety symptom and disorder prevention and treatment. I bring collaborators at ASU’s REACH Institute.

I currently conduct research on patient work and the burden of treatment and research on healthcare data practices (critical data studies). I am launching a new interview study on how individuals are navigating to receive information, services, and resources amidst COVID-19. I can contribute qualitative research methods information and assistance, as well as expertise in social science theory, qualitative methods, and informatics. I can lead in the disciplines of social informatics, organization studies, and qualitative research on COVID-19 effects. My current interview project involves collaborators at Australia National University, University of Copenhagen, and University of California, Irvine.

I currently work in biosecurity and am a member of the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense and Advisory Role to HHS. Specifically, I am interested in artificial intelligence and prediction of progression ARDS. I collaborate with many groups across Arizona.

I currently study education policy and the implementation of an innovative educational program. I am interested in understanding how public schools (districts, teachers, and students) respond to the pandemic. I could conduct qualitative research on how the pandemic has affected schooling and how public schools have responded to the pandemic. I can lead in the area of sociology.

I work on novel functional proteomics technologies and the application of these technologies to biomedical research. I am working on antibody immune response against SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses/respiratory viruses in COVID-19 patients using protein arrays. I can contribute to the understanding of how a person’s anti-microbial immune response can predict risk to infection / reinfection and clinical behavior / outcome.

I am currently examining how law and policy impact population health and dispararities. I have worked COVID-19-related media commentaries on vaccine regulations and on voting in the time of COVID-19. I can contribute media commentary and academic journal group commentaries, and can work with policymakers. I can lead in the fields of policy and impact on vulnerable populations, as well as on connecting to elected officials. I can bring ASU collaborators from the Affinity Network on Health Policy and Equity (HPEN) infinity network. Potential external collaborators could include elected officials, such as Arizona Senator Heather Carter, Arizona Representatives Kelli Butler and Lieberman, and U.S. Representative Greg Stanton.

I work on virus-binding polymers and nanoparticle libraries and on nanoparticles for drug and nucliec acid delivery. I can contribute vaccine and drug delivery technologies, as well as lead in these disciplines.

I currently work in manufacturing, and have recieved several inquiries from local industry regarding manufacturing of medical supplies. I could link people in these industries with expert partners in processes, validation, and verification.

I work on algorithms for computer science.

I work on the justification of scientific research and could consult on ethical, legal, and societal issues. I can lead in the areas of ethics and governance and societal implications. The Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics has affiliated faculty across ASU who could potentially collaborate.

I work on emotional responses to stress in individuals and couples, including among people with and without clinical disorders. I have ongoing projects examining emotion and emotion regulation in individuals and couples undergoing stressful circumstances (e.g., military Veterans, police officers and spouses, individuals with clinical and neurological disorders). My current interdisciplinary team proposals on COVID-19 investigate the impact of this high-stress situation on social and emotional attitudes, behaviors, and adherence/adjustment. I would like to contribute by conceptualizing and measuring emotional and physiological responses to COVID-19 and impacts on interpersonal and cross-cultural dynamics. I can lead in Social and emotional behavior and processes, mental health, stress, sleep, physiological processes, and cross-cultural comparisons. I am connected to an interdisciplinary team of social scientists at ASU, Banner Health, Mayo Clinic, and the Phoenix VA.

I work on democratic theory, political economy, ethics, business ethics, ethics and democracy. I have just published an edited volume on populism and am working on a co-authored book on business ethics and democracy (and have few articles from this project published). I would like to contribute my expertise in philosophical and normative perspectives and models of public engagement.

I work in the areas of bioscience research, analytical chemistry, separations, microfluidics, device development, organelles, bioparticles, and method development for crystallography. In the area of separations biomolecules (proteins, DNA) and bioparticles (< 1 µm), I specialise in novel mechanisms of separation in the microenvironment (microfluidics). I could contribute to novel approaches for coupling microfluidics and standard analytical technology and detection methods. I can lead in separations, microfluidics, and analytical approaches. I can bring collaborators on BioXFEL and ASU’s Center for Applied Structural Discovery.

I currently work in bioscience research and biophysics. My lab is developing and improving nano-biophysical techniques, specifically, the combination of cutting-edge force and optical technologies, recognition imaging, and force spectroscopy. We are applying these techniques to cell mechanics, cell adhesion, and chromatin structure and dynamics. Currently, we are not working with viruses, but rather with mammalian cells and bacteria. However, our nano-biophysical toolbox can be applied to virus-related questions in collaboration with biology groups. My lab can offer sensitive nano-biophysical tools and can lead in biophysics.

I currently work on media-literacy related issues including mis/disinformation detection, media literacy education and trust in journalism. Specifically, I look at journalistic corrections and updates, with some emphasis on COVID. My group, the News Co/Lab, is also developing a free online media literacy course for adults. I am interested in learning about projects related to digital literacies and those exploring factors that impact news users' habits related to digital media. I can collaborate in qualitative research efforts and provide media literacy instructional materials that can be used across disciplines.

I currently work on health policy for City of Phoenix, and have projects in behavioral health, public safety, aging programs, and applied research in Phoenix. I can contribute to teams, particularly to focus on societal outcomes based on the timing and nature of government actions. I can lead in healthcare and public policy efforts and bring collaborators from the City of Phoenix.

I work on security policy and online security graduate education and focus on how the power of narratives to create communities of understanding (which are particularly significant within contexts of deep-rooted mistrust) can influence people to believe things that are not true. I am involved in the New America Coronavirus Daily Brief, a daily news and analysis roundup, and in a new concentration in our online global security masters program dealing with bio security and pandemics. I also am involved in fieldwork-based research on social networks and health risks in northeastern Syria and part of Iraq. I can connect with ASU faculty from multiple disciplines to develop online educational material on bio security, and can lead in social science and interdisciplinary policy analysis. I can bring collaborators from New America, a D.C.-based think tank, the U.S. Army Strategic Studies Institute, Drexel University Peace Engineering, and other groups.

I work on how musicians and composers can create music-based responses to COVID-19. I am organizing and playing music for first responders and health care professionals. I would like to contribute by working with health care professors towards musical responses to COVID-19. I can lead in music, music therapy, music composition. I bring partners in performing artists and arts administrators.

I work on international health systems development and am involved in building nursing practitioner capacity around the world. I can contribute connections with foreign partners and health systems to disseminate best practices and latest research on COVID-19. I can lead in a variety of disciplines: nursing practice, global health, health worker training, health policy, and health systems development. I can bring collabotors from the Edson Global Health Collaboratory.

I work on narrative, disinformation, and strategic influence and I lead Global Security Initiative’s (GSI’s) Disinformation Working Group. I have two projects on state-sponsored disinformation and propaganda. COVID-19 is not a specific topic, but our research can inform studies of mis/dis-information on COVID-19. I could contribute as a communication working group lead and on disinformation-related projects. I could lead efforts in narrative analysis, narrative and disinformation, and strategic communication. The Disinformation Working Group includes about 20 scholars from across ASU in fields such as social science, computer science, journalism, and arts/engineering who could collaborate. I can also bring research contacts from projects sponsored by the the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Defense, as well as connections in Swedish government and NATO.

I currently work on an arts-based social-impact campaign called Future IDs that is about criminal justice reform and second chances co-created with system-impacted individuals and community organizations. With an upcoming exhibition and series of programs at Avenal State Prison in California’s central valley on hold, the Future IDs creative team and I have pivoted the project to respond to and in support of the urgency of COVID-19 in overcrowded jail and prison populations. I would like to contribute by participating in ongoing dialogues with colleagues who are also engaging arts and culture production as means to get us through this period of social isolation and pandemic. I am able to lead in in areas where the arts and social justice intersect.

I currently work on online teaching and learning, engineering education, and museum learning with the Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG). With CBBG, I work on engineering education and volunteer with online education. I can contribute to any type of online teaching and learning work but, as an emeritus professor, would prefer not to lead a group, but may lead a grant proposal. I can bring connections with faculty in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College and with all the ASU engineering research centers: CBBG, Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies, and Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment.

I am the Director of Choral Activities at ASU. I can help with practical applications of strategies and software that public performance and minimizing latency when using internet platforms for performance. I can lead in areas related to music and connect to ASU’s students in music courses.

I work on turbulence and sediment transport in rivers and have expertise in computation fluid mechanics and fluid experiments. The School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning (SGSUP) is considering an NSF RAPID proposal to produce a live map of COVID-19 virus transmissibity and vulnernability. To this end, we will combine transmission physics, micro-meteorology, GIS mapping, and vulnerability assessment. I can contribute to initiatives in computation fluid dynamics of cough/breath sputum droplet dynamics and evaporation in variable humidity and temperature conditions. I can lead in fluid and particle mechanics and connect to collaborators in GIS mapping and spatial statistics, micro-meteorology, and vulnerability assessment.

I currently work on a project to integrate medical supply chains across the military. I am an expert on health sector supply chain, purchasing, and distribution. I can lead in the fields of supply chain management, hospital responses to high-risk events, and group purchasing. I have strong relationships with major U.S. and international group purchasing organizations, as well as with supply chains in key U.S. health systems, such as Kaiser Permanente and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. I am involved with the American Hospital Association’s supply chain group, Association for Health Care Resources and Materials Management, and with leaders in key supplier organizations.

I work on ethics and equity in dance.

I work on surveillance using genomic epidemiology, and have projects in surveillance using nasopharyngeal swabs from ASU Health Clinic and testing via qRT-PCR and NGS sequencing. I can contribute my expertise in any relevant area and can lead in surveillance and genomic epidemiology projects. I can connect with collaboratores in Biodesign, College of Health Solutions, Mayo Clinic, Arizona Department of Health Serivces, and the PLuS Alliance.

I work in resilience to disaster response and on projects related to Hurricane Harvey response and infrastructure resilience. I discuss examples of my research online. I can lead in engineering disciplines and bring collaborators from Ohio State and Naval Postgraduate School and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

I am interested in data integration and analysis, data driven modeling, and simulation. My collaborations include ASU’s Center for Assured and Scalable data Engineering (CASCADE), ASU Center for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (CEHMS) with Georgia State University (GSU) Computational Epidemiologist (Dr. Gerardo Chowell).

I currently focus on spatial transcriptomics and proteomics combined with computational modeling to connect cellular fate to underlying genetic expression in the developing human lung. I am working on Human Cell Atlas Lung Atlas v1.0, a mapping of cell types in the lung using single-cell RNAseq, spatial transcriptomics, and spatial proteomics. We can potentially make tissue from Human Cell Atlas collaborators available or integrate new molecular assays into our workflow. I can lead in quantitative bio-imaging, discovery/modeling of gene regulatory networks response to infection, and lung biology. I can bring collaborators from the Human Cell Atlas network, Translational Genomics Research Institute, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

I work on design of embedded devices for patients and healthgivers, embedded-system design, cyber-physical system design, and robot design. I can build digital computer-based devices and systems for use by the patients, the general public, or healthgivers. We also could develop artificial intelligence–based models of disease spread and transmission and could develop machine learning algorithms to study x-rays, and do auto-diagnosis.

I work on misinformation studies, text and data mining of biomedical texts, social media analysis, network analysis, and multiclass sentence classification. I have worked on deveopment of several concepts over time in biomedical texts, studies on misinformation on social media, data visualization and resilience, and modeling of misinformation online. I can commit my time and that of my students and full-time employees to efforts. I could lead projects in interdisciplinary data science, philosophy of science, science studies, interdisciplinary data science, and data visualization.

I currently work in the area of high cost, high need (HCHN) population health. We hope to address emergency response and disaster communication protocols in this area. I am a physician from India with a U.S. graduate education in Health Policy, Management and Behavior, now pursuing a doctorate. Particularly, as an Infection Control program administrator for the Department of Infectious Diseases at the New York State Department of Health, I have served as a compliance manager auditing and advising 30+ NYC hospitals. I bring a professional network at a major insurance plan in Arizona.

I currently work in health and wellbeing, as well as migration and the U.S.-Mexico border. Specifically, I focus on technology and human rights on the U.S.-Mexico border. I can bring collaborators in Mexico, Chile, and Argentina for comparative studies.

I currently work in the area of genetics and genomics. Specifically, I bring experience in molecular laboratory work, familiarity with BSL-2 laboratory practices, and bioinformatics.

I currently work on community-scale resilience, systems level capacity for adaptation, scale and decision-making, and humanitarian mapping. Specifically, I focus on community resilience asset and vulnerabilities mapping. My collaborative network includes the Virginia G. Piper Trust; Valley of the Sun United Way; Salt River Project; and many non-profit partners. Internationally, I have worked with USAID, Facebook, USGS, Microsoft, ORNL, and other universities.

I currently work in the area of protection equipment. Specifically, I am interested in mask-used filtration fabrics. I bring collaborators at Mayo Clinic.

I currently study behavioral health interventions for treatment adeherence, peer effects in physicians and their treatment practices. Specifically, I look at incentivizing medication adherence, e.g., hand washing, social isolation, and mental burden of new decision making, e.g., new routines for work from home. I have econometric expertise. I bring collaborators from RAND Corporation, Mount Sinai Medical Center, and Magellan Rx.

I currently study self-assembling nanostructures using biological molecules (proteins, peptides, and DNA). Specifically, I am creating synthetic antibodies and sensors from peptide-DNA nanostructures and this could be applied to COVID-19 detection and treatment. I can contribute a research lab to develop novel biomolecule-based materials. I am actively collaborating with Paul Rothemund (Caltech), who is developing an electrochemical sensor for protein targets.

I work on borders, arts, and community engagement. I would like to contribue my time and energy to work related to COVID-19.

I currently work on computer simulations of RNA/DNA nanotechnology, development of machine learning methods to design high-affinity RNA/DNA aptamers, and development of DNA nanostructures for viral protein binding. Specifically, I am interested in the bioinformatic study of immunostimulatory nucleotide motifs in RNA genome sequences. I can contribute to computational modeling and machine learning on biological sequence data, and modeling ssRNA genomes of viruses. I am actively collaborating with Benjamin Greenbaum, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), Remi Monasson (ENS Paris).

I currently work in public safety and homelessness. Specifically, I am interested in marshaling expertise from Watts College in the form of faculty, staff, students.

I currently work in assessment in retention enhancement. I can contribute my time to any project.

I work on wellbeing and resilience related to social (dis)connection. I have a related project in sensemaking and coping during social distancing. I would like to contribute my expertise in qualitative research, expertise in relational and organizational communication, leadership, and organizational responses to employees. I can lead in human communication. I bring a collaborative network at ASU.

I currently study how people lead and adapt in times of change and how leaders can be effective in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments. Specifically, I am interested in modeling how leader behaviors and social sanction differentiate COVID-19 outcomes, e.g., confirmed cases, between East Asian countries and Western countries. I can contribute to examining leadership behaviors in managing different aspects of the pandemic, and I am offering my expertise in agent-based modeling, leadership, and experiential learning. I'm currently working with Hyunsung Oh from the School of Social Work at ASU.

I currently work with AI applications in imaging, wearables, and health. Specifically, I am interested in time-series modeling and prediction, and machine learning based predictive analytics. I can contribute new computational methodologies and graphics processing unit (GPU) resources.

I study the development of children’s emotional, social, and academic functioning. I am interested in participating in efforts to understand how COVID-19 related events impact these variables. I currently work on projects designed to understand the antecedents and consequences of children’s self-regulation. I can offer expertise regarding measuring children’s emotional, social, and academic functioning. I also have expertise related to how stressors impact child functioning.

I currently use several national and international data collection projects focused on COVID-19. Specifically, I can study how COVID-19 is impacting people's lives, family, jobs/wages, kids school, health, and mental health. I would like to collect data, build community partnerships, policy analysis, a bridge between grass root community organizations, legislative policy makers, and national/international scholars, as a Co-I on NSF-funded national survey. I can lead in social sciences, health, policy, ethnic studies, demography, public affairs.

I currently work on depression, suicide, and chronic disease. Specifically, I am working on a RAPID related to COVID-19. I currently have projects related to health-related communication. I can lead in health psychology.

I currenlty work on virus evolution. Specifically, I have SARS CoV-2 surveillance in environmental samples. I have expertise in virology, environmental virology, metagenomics. I am able to provide detection in environmental samples.

I currently work on social movements, mis/disinformation, social media archiving, web archiving, NLP, social networks (SN). Specifically, I am archiving institutional and commercial announcements related to COVID-19 (business closings, etc.). I can lead in social media data collection, analysis, social network analysis (SNA), sharing data with social science collegaues. My collaborative network includes research computing, internet archive, University of Minnesota, University of Maryland, and University College, Dublin.

I currently work on nanopore sensing, 3D printing, plasmonic exosome/RNA nanosensors, and point-of-care (POC) Ebola protein detection. Specifically, we use nanoparticles to detect Ebola glycoprotein down to 10-100 pM. I can contribute in the area of diagnostics, including providing technologies in nanofabrication, nanofluidics, nanoparticles. I have a collaborator who can synthesize proteins and antibodies at University of Washington.

I currently work in boinformatics, genomics, and precision medicine. Specifically, I work on methodology development. I can lead in the areas of bioinformatics, and have a range of collaborators that include virologists, immunologists and epidemiologists at Mayo Clinic.

I currently work on science policy, science communication, genomic data sharing systems, and biological material sharing policy. Specifically, I look at science communication, for example: SciOPS (Science Opinion Panel Survey) collects opinion data from scientists on COVID-19 impacts. I am currently pursing research in genomic data governance and sharing behaviors of scientists. I would like to collaborate on research proposals and discussions. I direct the Center for Science, Technology and Environment Policy Studies (CSTEPS) and can connect individuals and teams.

I currently work in disinfecting used facial masks and evaluating their efficiency for reuse.

I currently work in antibacterial minerals. Specifically, I can test antibacterial minerals for use in face-masks or hand sanitizer. I can lead in the area of geochemistry. I colllaborate with an infectious disease research laboratory at the Rochester, MN Mayo Clinic.

I currently work on the implementation of unique device identification in health care organizations. I have experience in survey design, qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups. My recent projects involve researchers at hospital systems and academic institutions across the U.S.

I currently work on the topic of cooperation and am working on a television pilot addressing isolation. I am able to contribute to developing writers workshops in theater and film script writing. I can bring a network of independent writers to a collaboration.

I currently work on crisis-driven phishing attacks, swarm robotics, and human/robot interface in the medical domain. Specifically, I work with connecting research across disciplines and connecting to appropriate Department of Defence (DoD) sponsors. Current collaborators include researchers from GSI's Center for Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics, Center for Human/AI/Robot Teams (CHART), and Disinformation Working Group (DWG). These Centers also have strong relationships with industry and other universities through sponsored projects.

I currently work in the coordination of COVID-19 actions at ASU, and have a strong interest in biomedical research in this area. Specifically, I am working on diagnostic concepts. I have a strong ASU network, as well as connections to the biotech industry.

I currently work in medical imaging analytics. Specifically, I am interested in medical imaging (MR, CT, PET) for kidney function assessment and Alzheimer Disease diagnosis. I would like to develop a deep learning model on medical images for disease diagnosis and staging. I bring collaborators from the Mayo Clinic, University of Virginia, Washington University, Drexel University, and Texas A&M.

I currently work on environmental monitoring of pathogens. Specifically, I consult for a company on methods and strategies for detection of pathogens in environmental, agricultural, clinical and food samples. I can contribute to comprehensive design and implementation of diagnostic and monitoring testing of both environmental and clinical samples. I work with PathogenDx for molecular assay platform for pathogen detection and Systems Imagination for data management and analytics, including neural networks and artificial intelligence.

I currently work on health disparities research. Specifically, I am guest editing the special issue looking at health disparities’ social impact on Asian Pacific American community. I bring a wide range of collaborators internal and external to ASU.

I currently work in bioinformatics, biomedical diagnostics, and preventative solutions. Specifically, I am looking at: 1) building a knowledgebase of "-omics" and clinical data in a collaborative project with College of Health Solutions and School of Life Sciences researchers and 2) collaborating with College of Health Solutions faculty for the potential delivery of prophylactic solutions for viral infection. I can provide company resources for data analytics, collaborating with ASU researchers on anti-COVID-19 solutions, providing sources of validated PPE. I would like to contribute to analyzing COVID-19 open research dataset, and validating natural micronutrient anti-COVID-19 activity. I run Systems Imagination (a big data analytics company) and work with Systems Oncology.

I currently work on social and emotional learning assessment, and predicting online learning performance for adult working students. Specifically, I am measuring the impact of COVID-19 on performance and need changes for adult online students working in retail and highly influenced areas. I can lead in quantifying the "life happens (e.g. COVID-19, etc.)" factors, online learning analytics, and motivation tracking and predicting.

I currently work on artificial intelligence (AI)-based COVID-19 intervention and prevention. I direct the laboratory for Virtualized Infrastructures, Systems, and Applications (VISA). I can lead in the areas of experimental computer systems, including distributed/cloud, big-data, and high-performance systems as well as operating systems and storage in general.

I currently work in educational and psychological measurement design and validation. I am a co-PI on an NSF RAPID pre-proposal examining the effects of full-scale online deployment of an existing tutoring system in electrical engineering under the COVID-19 pandemic. I can contribute to experimental design and statistical analysis related to educational or psychological research.

I currently work on molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning. Specifically, I can perform computational simulations to accelerate drug/vaccine design.