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NSF Safe and Inclusive Work Environments

Catherine Chen, Megan Blease
June 05, 2023

Faculty interested in submitting to the National Science Foundation (NSF) should be aware of new guidelines that may become required documents in the future.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is increasingly emphasizing the importance of “safe and harassment-free environments wherever science is conducted” (NSF PAPPG Chapter XI.A.1.g.). In order to support community efforts to eliminate harassment and “to build inclusive scientific climates,” NSF now requires that proposals that include research being conducted off-campus or off-site have a Safe and Inclusive (SAI) Work Environments Plan (SAI Plan)

As researchers, it is essential to protect the team and subjects involved in your research. Developing a SAI Plan will not just ensure compliance, but also protect all members of a project, while ensuring that the integrity of your research remains uncompromised. Creating an SAI Plan can help:

  • systematize processes for reporting,
  • formalize expectations for appropriate behavior for all researchers, and
  • further a culture of inclusivity in your research.

Note that most directorates do not require submission of SAI Plans. However, BIO and GEO are piloting a SAI Plan submission requirement for some solicitations (NSF BIO/GEO SAI Plans FAQ). These plans are reviewed as part of NSF’s Broader Impacts, with the specific criteria of:

  • "Is there a compelling plan (including the procedures, trainings, and communication processes) to establish, nurture, and maintain inclusive off-campus or off-site working environment(s)?
  • Does the proposed plan identify and adequately address the unique challenges for the team and the specific off-campus or off-site setting(s)?
  • Are the organizational mechanisms to be used for reporting, responding to, and resolving issues of harassment, should they occur, clearly outlined?"

The ASU Research Operations Office has developed a template for the SAI Plan that can help you meet the criteria. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to your RA.

Furthermore, make sure to read the NSF BIO/GEO SAI Plans FAQ and to check out additional ASU resources that can help guide your development of this plan: