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Need proposal help? We have a list!

Research Development
April 11, 2024

Sometimes we need specialized knowledge or experience to place our proposals on the next competitive level. In Research Development, we work with a variety of external partners who augment our team's skill sets. We regularly share this information with anyone who asks.

Caveats: Not all organizations below have been used by our team, but some have. Be sure to ask for references when discussing a scope of work with them. We are not endorsing any of these consultants, only providing the list we have. If you have a review or comment for one or more of these consultants, please email and we will follow up accordingly.

Advice: Be certain of how much you want to spend and how much you can spend on consultation. Hourly and project rates vary, and it is in your best interest to be very specific regarding the work to be performed.

Process: You must contract with these individuals or organizations using your own department or school process. Please notify your business office before you proceed so that you know how to complete the required paperwork.

Additions: If you have a consultant who has worked well for you, please let us know and we'll add them to our list.

If looking for a reference from ASU, please email with the name of the consultant you are interested in. The National Organization of Research Development Professionals (NORDP) regularly exchanges information on consultants who support academic research via their listserve.

Editing/copy writing/indexing

Full service (e.g., training, webinars, workshops, faculty consultation, proposal writing, editing)


Pitch development and presentation coaching


