Limited Submission Deadline Extended— NSF Research Traineeship (NRT)
12/02/2020 Update:
The National Science Foundation has released the new solicitation (NSF 21-536) for the NRT program.
The internal deadline is January 7, 2021.
Please see the InfoReady application site for current details:
Questions? Please contact
Are you interested in the NSF NRT program? The NRT Solicitation (NSF 19-522) is under revision and is expected to be available in the fall with a deadline in early 2021. This annual program was originally planned to have similar dates as past years, but as the deadline approaches, there has not been a new solicitation published by NSF.
Limited Submissions has extended the internal deadline to January 7, 2021. This will be reviewed monthly and will be extended further until the publication of the new solicitation.
Please see the InfoReady application site for current details:
Questions? please contact
Opportunity Overview:
The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program is designed to encourage the development and implementation of bold, new, and potentially transformative models for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduate education training. The NRT program seeks proposals that explore ways for graduate students in research-based master’s and doctoral degree programs to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to pursue a range of STEM careers.
The program is dedicated to effective training of STEM graduate students in high priority interdisciplinary or convergent research areas, through the use of a comprehensive traineeship model that is innovative, evidence-based, and aligned with changing workforce and research needs. Proposals are requested in any interdisciplinary or convergent research theme of national priority, with special emphasis on the research areas in NSF's 10 Big Ideas. The NSF research Big Ideas are Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR), The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier (FW-HTF), Navigating the New Arctic (NNA), Windows on the Universe: The Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (WoU), The Quantum Leap: Leading the Next Quantum Revolution (QL), and Understanding the Rules of Life: Predicting Phenotype (URoL).
The NRT program addresses workforce development, emphasizing broad participation, and institutional capacity building needs in graduate education. Strategic collaborations with the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, national laboratories, field stations, teaching and learning centers, informal science centers, and academic partners are encouraged. NRT especially welcomes proposals that will pair well with the efforts of NSF Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (INCLUDES) to develop STEM talent from all sectors and groups in our society ( Collaborations are encouraged between NRT proposals and existing NSF INCLUDES projects, provided the collaboration strengthens both projects.