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FY25 PDW #6: Editing Your Proposal, PART 1 (logic and clarity)

November 12, 2024

Proposal Development Workshops (PDWs) are webinars on key milestones along the funding and proposal development journey. Presenters provide best practice and ASU-specific insight across all facets of proposal development. Starting with understanding the funding landscape, finding a solicitation, developing a proposal, and preparing a budget, each webinar is a quick look at best practices.

You are very close to your area of research and your understanding of it may run deeper than that of some of your proposal reviewers, individuals that are not doing research in your specific area. An editing team can help identify elements of your proposal that might not be clear to these reviewers, even if they are clear in your mind. Attend this session and learn about problems the RD editing team sees with fundamental elements of the academic presentation, for example, how the hypothesis is phrased and the nature of methods and design. Attend this session and learn how you can ensure that the academic content of your proposal is logical, coherent, and clearly presented.
These sessions are appropriate to all stages of research from any discipline for any sponsor.
PDW’s are held approximately every other week at 11am AZ through the academic year.
Presenters: Terry Christenson
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