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FY24 Effective Messaging Before Writing a Proposal (PDW #4)

Research Development
September 28, 2023

Proposal Development Workshops (PDWs) are 30-minute webinars (followed by 30 minute small group discussions) on key milestones along the funding journey. Presenters provide best practice and ASU-specific insight across all facets of proposal development. Starting with understanding the funding landscape, going through finding a solicitation, developing a proposal, and preparing a budget, each webinar is a quick look at best practice. These webinars are appropriate to all stages of researcher from any discipline for any sponsor. PDW’s are held approximately every other week at 10am AZ through the academic year. Sponsored by KE Research Development.

 Effective Messaging Before Writing a Proposal (PDW #4)

Learn how to pitch your research or scholarship idea to a funder’s program officer, a potential collaborator, or just focusing an abstract or executive summary for your proposal. Participants will walk through three tools for creating and presenting proposal messages: the Heilmeier Catechism, the Proposal Quad Chart, and Logic Models. They will learn how to convert these tools into a brief pitch you can use as a template for future conversations. Guest speakers will provide tips on presenting your proposal ideas to various funding agencies with help on pivoting your ideas to match the needs of the funder.

Workshop Date: September 28, 2023

Presenters: Quyen Wickham & Moriah Locklear

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