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Coming Soon! PAC -12 Student-Athlete Health and Well -Being Grant Program

Hayley Bohall
February 21, 2020

Each year, the PAC-12 Conference releases a new solicitation for the Student-Athlete Health and Well-Being Initiative. The below information is based on the 2020 solicitation (currently closed). Limited Submissions anticipates the 2021 solicitation to be released in July of 2020, with internal applications due shortly after (estimated for late July 2020).

This announcement will be updated periodically as new information becomes available.


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Created in 2013, the Pac-12 Student-Athlete Health and Well-Being Initiative is a collective effort between the Conference and our member universities to find ways to reduce injuries, share current best practices and latest studies, and conduct research to uncover new ways to keep student-athletes as safe as possible. Student-athlete health and safety are paramount to the Pac-12, and the Conference has taken a proactive approach to ensure the safety of its student-athletes. This initiative harnesses the full resources of the Pac-12's research institutions for the benefit of our student-athletes and includes a research grant program, a Brain Trauma Task Force, and an annual Student-Athlete Health Conference.

Through the Pac-12 Grant Program, the Pac-12 offers research funding to support the advancement of Pac-12 student-athlete health and well-being and has made it a priority to research and develop best practices for general improvements in these areas. The Pac-12 Conference has committed approximately $3,500,000 per year in research grants for projects at Pac-12 institutions designed to improve the health, general well-being, and safety of student-athletes at all Conference member institutions. Partners who are interested in collaborating in Pac-12 supported research projects should contact university staff directly or the Pac-12 Conference to find possible research partners. Specific topics of interest to the Pac-12 member institutions include:


  • Head Trauma
  • Prevention of Sudden Death
    • Cardiac
    • Temperature Matters / Hydration
  • Overuse Injuries / Injury Prevention
  • Emergency Care - Planning / Prevention of Emergent Medical Events
  • Student-Athlete Well Being
    • Sleep
    • Nutrition
  • Mental Health — Please note that a Pac-12 Mental Health Programmatic RFP will be released in the next several months. Mental Health Grant Projects will be considered in response to the 2020 Cycle Student-Athlete Health and Well-Being Grant Program RFP.
  • Data-Driven Decisions (Use of Pac-12 Health Analytics Program - HAP)
    • Expansion of Presagia Platform (e.g. Software Development)
    • Sports Injury Epidemiology

The Pac-12 Brain Trauma Task Force advises the Pac-12 Conference on brain health, awareness of injury risk, and trauma care across all collegiate sports. The task force also reviews injury trends, new technology, and ongoing studies for all Pac-12 sports.

The Pac-12 hosts an annual Student-Athlete Health Conference which serves as a forum for doctors and medical trainers from Pac-12 institutions to share best practices, review ongoing research studies, evaluate Pac-12 policies, and discuss other aspects of the Pac-12 Student-Athlete Health and Well-Being Initiative. This meeting also features speakers and programs that advance collaboration between all 12 universities and establish an official process for implementing recommendations put forth by the Conference.