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ASU AI Seed Grant Challenge Opportunity Kick-off

Jhazzye Mosley
September 22, 2023

Research Development Opportunity Kick-off events are introductions to specific funding opportunities or resources that enhance application competitiveness. Sponsored by KE Research Development.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as one of the most transformative innovations of our time, exerting a profound impact on both technology and society. Its significance lies in its ability to amplify human capabilities, tackle complex challenges, and usher in unprecedented efficiencies across various domains. AI drives technological advancements by enabling machines to learn from data, adapt to new situations, and make intelligent decisions. From autonomous vehicles navigating busy streets to personalized medical diagnoses, AI fosters innovation that was once unimaginable. Societally, AI may offer solutions to pressing global issues such as healthcare, climate change, and resource management. However, the rapid pace of AI development also prompts discussions around ethics, privacy, and the future of work. As AI becomes more intertwined with human lives, embracing its potential while ensuring responsible development becomes imperative, making it not only a technological force but also a societal touchstone shaping the trajectory of progress.

Knowledge Enterprise (KE) is requesting and administering proposals on behalf of ASU for research intended to accelerate positive impacts and ameliorate negative uses of AI. These proposals may address fundamental development of AI concepts, or the application of AI to specific problem spaces. To address the broad scope of potential outcomes, KE requests proposals for two broadly defined types of projects: Planning and Convening Grants and Research Grants.  


  • Matt Hulver, Vice President of Research
  • Lara Ferry, Associate Vice President of Research
  • Hayley Bohall, Associate Director, Research Development 

Date: September 22, 2023
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 (Arizona Time)
Location: online only