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Announcing Limited Submissions: 2020 NEA Arts Projects / Challenge America

Hayley Bohall
January 09, 2020

Each year, NEA releases the Art Works/ Challenge America grant guidelines. Please see the below-UPDATED timeline for this year's limited submissions internal deadlines. 

To apply to this Limited submission, please see the InfoReady posting, here. Any questions should be directed to .

Limitation: ASU may submit only one (1) application to the sponsoring organization for either the Arts Projects or Challenge America programs.

Internal Deadline: January 21, 2020

  • The Arts Projects program has two submissions cycles each year (February/July).
  • The Challenge America program deadline is situated between the two Arts Projects cycles.
  • Due to the limitation of one application per year (in either Arts Projects or Challenge America) and the limitation of Artist Communities and Design applications only allowed in February, ASU Limited Submissions uses a combined internal deadline. Be sure to indicate the art discipline of your application in your title and/or project summary.
  • If there are no applications for the January 21, 2020, internal deadline, the next internal deadline will be February 20, 2020 (for Challenge America and Arts Projects (July))


Art Projects & Challenge America Opportunities:

  • Art Projects-- Sponsor Deadline: February 13, 2020
  • Challenge America—Sponsor Deadline April 9, 2020
  • Art Projects-- Sponsor Deadline: July 9, 2020


“The Arts . . . belong to all the people of the United States.” *

Grants for Arts Projects is the National Endowment for the Arts’ principal grants program. Through project-based funding, we support public engagement with, and access to, various forms of excellent art across the nation, the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, learning in the arts at all stages of life, and the integration of the arts into the fabric of community life. Projects may be large or small, existing or new, and may take place in any part of the nation’s 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories.

The National Endowment for the Arts is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and fostering mutual respect for the diverse beliefs and values of all individuals and groups.


