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The ABRC is Looking for Peer Reviewers for the 2024 Research Grant Cohort

December 10, 2024

Consider Reviewing and Scoring Research Grant Applications

Dear Colleagues:

The Arizona Biomedical Research Centre (ABRC) invites you to conduct peer reviews of research grant applications on behalf of the Arizona Department of Health Services. The ABRC relies on subject matter experts (SMEs) from around the globe to evaluate the merits of the grant applications, and solicits their participation as needed. Research Grant Peer Reviewers review the application in accordance with the guidelines provided by ABRC and provide a written review and scores to ABRC. If you are interested in becoming an ABRC grant peer reviewer, or know of someone who would be, please provide your contact info using this form, or share this message. You will receive a confirmation email from ABRC and a couple of required documents in about a week.

After reviewing, signing and dating the documents, return them to us as quickly as possible. Once received, based on your area of specialty, we will send you instructions for completing the reviews assigned to you. Reviews will take place starting approximately November 11, 2024 and must be completed by December  10, 2024.

If you are an applicant for funding from RFGA2024-022, you will not be able to review applications from this cohort. If you believe you may have a conflict of interest but are not certain, please reach out and we will decide your eligibility to review based on the merits of your situation. If you are not able to help with this cohort, we will hold your information for future grant cohorts.

Those selected may be eligible to receive a stipend of $200 per application reviewed.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.