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[2024-2025 Moonshot Cohort] Information Sessions

Jhazzye Mosley
February 14, 2024

Information Sessions

On behalf of the ASU Foundation’s Moonshot Accelerator, we would like to raise your awareness of the forthcoming invitation to apply for the 2024-2025 Moonshot Cohort, “Campaign Edition.” Applications will open on March 5th.

We would like to invite you to attend an information session regarding the 2024-2025 Moonshot Cohort, “Campaign Edition” on one of three dates: February 22 from 1:00-2:00pm, February 26 from 12-1pm, or March 5 from 2-3pm. These events will be held virtually via Zoom. If you are interested in attending an information session, please fill out this Google Form by EOD on February 19, to receive a calendar invitation. The information sessions will contain additional details on the Cohort design, application, and review process, as well as Q&A.


Cohort Experience

The Moonshot Cohort positions teams of ASU faculty, staff, and their community partners to compete for and receive philanthropic moonshot funding to advance their charter-driven work.

The cohort experience will take place over the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters. The fall semester will focus on the foundations of philanthropy and fundamentals of moonshot thinking, and the spring semester will provide teams the opportunity to develop materials that can be used for future proposals to philanthropic moonshot funders. The entire experience will culminate in a “Demo Day” during which participants will have the opportunity to present their ideas in front of program officers from philanthropic foundations. Participants will also have the opportunity to submit a written concept note to an active funding opportunity. 


Changing Futures Campaign 

In anticipation of the launch of the “Changing Futures for Arizona and the World” ASU Development Campaign, our goal for the 2024-2025 “Campaign Edition” of the Moonshot Cohort is to provide support to teams of ASU faculty and staff who are aligned with one or more of the campaign pillars (listed below). 

Campaign Pillars

  • Transform global education: We believe in creating a world where no one is excluded from the benefits of education. We are uniquely positioned to fundamentally change how education is delivered in this century and beyond.
  • Reshape our relationship with the planet: We believe that we can and must make a meaningful contribution to ensuring a habitable planet and a future in which well-being is attainable for all humankind. 
  • Empower community resilience: We believe we have a responsibility to make our communities better, stronger, and healthier. 
  • Build the future of health: We believe in creating a future where every person has confidence in their health and well-being. All of society must have equitable access to healthcare that promotes longevity and a high quality of life.  
  • Inspire tomorrow’s game changers: We believe that the solutions to problems yet discovered will require dreamers, visionaries, and revolutionary leaders.  
  • Advance technology for good: We believe that great technological strides can and must be leveraged for a more equitable future for all humanity. 

You can find more details about the Cohort hereApplications will open on March 5th at 5pm and are due on March 26th at 5pm.