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FY24 Creating a Responsive Grant Proposal (PDW #6)

Research Development
October 26, 2023

Proposal Development Workshops (PDWs) are 30-minute webinars (followed by 30 minute small group discussions) on key milestones along the funding journey. Presenters provide best practice and ASU-specific insight across all facets of proposal development. Starting with understanding the funding landscape, going through finding a solicitation, developing a proposal, and preparing a budget, each webinar is a quick look at best practice. These webinars are appropriate to all stages of researcher from any discipline for any sponsor. PDW’s are held approximately every other week at 10am AZ through the academic year. Sponsored by KE Research Development.

Creating a Responsive Grant Proposal (PDW #6)

A program you’ve been waiting for has just released a call for proposals and the due date is in three months–now what? Don’t let a blank page deter you from getting organized and ready to craft your response! With the sponsor’s call for proposals, you already have the answers to many of the questions you are being asked to address. Do you want to write faster, with sharper focus, and increase your chances of being funded? If so, then join as we 1) discuss a proposal construction technique that will help you better understand what the sponsor wants, 2) learn how to increase responsiveness in your written submission,3) make it easier for reviewers to navigate and assess your proposal, and 4) reduce the chances of proposal rejection due to non-compliance.

Workshop Date: October 26, 2023

Presenters: Kaushik Balakrishnan & Megan Blease

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